Martin O'Malley

Just put his hat in the ring. Any thoughts?


Anybody other than Brunhilde, the money grubber, otherwise known as Hilary.

Intelligent response.

Steve said:

O'Malley or the poster above me?

O'Malley. Knows he won't win, but wants a job in the next administration.

galileo said:
Just put his hat in the ring. Any thoughts?

I think Jimmy Fallin referred to him as an appetizer for Hilary.

He was a very good governor. But he has not put in the time to develop a national presence, so he has an awful lot of catching up to do. On the other hand, the field is relatively thin on the Dem side so he can get a ton of visibility simply by showing up at some rallies and debates.

Obama was a first term Senator. He gave one speech, at the Democratic National Convention which gave him "national presence".

You know on "The Wire"? When the police captains are all together and are forced to bake numbers for arrests, etc. to satisfy metrics passed down from above? And the complaint is that the Chief and the Mayor are clueless and are just looking for numbers to justify their jobs and policies? That Mayor was O'Malley- Mayor of is a pretty big spot on his record that he put into motion some of the wrongheaded policing policies that caused the unrest in Baltimore last month. I am intrigued by him and I will always be more drawn to a governor for President, but he needs to explain a pretty big misstep.

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