Let's discuss concrete examples of libertarianism!

In another thread, I called libertarianism a utopian philosophy. That was actually a thread about raising the minimum wage, so I'm guilty of thread derailment on that -- sorry! So here's a thread specifically dedicated to the practicality or utopianism of libertarianism.

The short form of the question is -- are there any real, historical examples of countries run on libertarian principles?

If the answer is yes, then we can look at what's working there, what's not, and get some concrete ideas of both the strengths and shortcomings of libertarianism.

If the answer is no, then that leaves libertarianism as the philosophy of no place. An interesting thought experiment, and even a useful position from which to critique the status quo (Rand Paul -- you'll never have my vote, but you have my admiration for challenging Republican militarism!), but ultimately of little practical value in working through political challenges.

So -- any place on a map we can point to and see liberatarianism in action?

Let's not. It's deathly boring.

Nice idea, but mankind isn't good enough for it.

There are no libertarian countries.

It doesn't matter.

It's a useful counterweight to big government pols even if, as an end goal, it is impractical.


The only example I know of is called Somolia. It seems to be working quite well there

The only example I know of is called Somolia. It seems to be working quite well there

The only example I know of is called Somolia. It seems to be working quite well there

The only example I know of is called Somolia. It seems to be working quite well there

The only example I know of is called Somolia. It seems to be working quite well there

The only example I know of is called Somolia. It seems to be working quite well there

Somalia was/is not Libertarian. It's chaos. They're not the same.

In general, Libertarians are not opposed to the rule of kaw. Just fewer of them. There's a monstrous chasm between the US and Somalia. It's not either/or.

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