Intimidating you Judiciary in subservience

The esteemed governor of Kansas found a unique way to attempt to bend the judiciary to his will. If he succeeds and keeps that up he'll realize the dream of hard core conservatives - government by fiat.

The fight between Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas and the state’s judicial branch has escalated, with the governor last week signing into law a bill that could strip state courts of their funding.The measure, at the end of a lengthy bill that allocated money for the judiciary this year, stipulates that if a state court strikes down a 2014 law that removed some powers from the State Supreme Court, the judiciary will lose its funding.

Richard E. Levy, a constitutional law professor at the University of Kansas, likened the measure in the judiciary budget bill to Congress’s passing a law outlawing abortion and then telling the judicial branch that it will lose its funding if it finds the law unconstitutional.

If you can't win over the judiciary with legal reasoning then just threaten to cut their funding.

A slippery slope. Similar to the techniques used by Hitler, Mussolini and the Bolsheviks to control their judiciaries.

I hope they call his bluff, if for no other reason than principle.

It will get sorted out.. Just like the Roosevelt Supreme Court packing plan b/c he couldnt get parts of the New Deal imposed.

SOguy said:
It will get sorted out.. Just like the Roosevelt Supreme Court packing plan b/c he couldnt get parts of the New Deal imposed.

I like the cut of your jib.

Except this is not a plan only by the executive. He's in cahoots with the legislature.

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