The GOP's "Insurrection Protection" Committee

Jim Jordan with a license to "investigate" anything he wants to is what happens when you put the GOP in charge.

Jim Jordan Is No Frank Church

"In one of their very first steps since taking over the House of Representatives, House Republicans have created a special new panel to launch wide-ranging investigations into what they allege are the ways in which the federal government has abused the rights of conservatives. ...

"The new 'weaponization' subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee will be chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan, a right-wing ally of former President Donald Trump, and has a much different objective than the original Church Committee: The panel is widely expected to become a pro-Trump star chamber, investigating the officials and organizations that have previously investigated Trump, including the FBI and the Justice Department."

maybe they should investigate sexual abuse in sports programs, with special emphasis on the people who help cover it up.

Rep. Ilhan Omar is spot on….

“It is clear that this committee is going to be one of personal grievances and defending insurrectionists, led by members who are themselves being investigated for their role in the January 6th insurrection and who have openly defied accountability by not complying with congressional subpoenas. The goal is not justice, but to delegitimize credible investigations into people who attempted to overthrow our government.”

This is going to be a circus.

I suggest that Democrats not serve. Deny the committee the credibility and gravitas of having Democrats serving on it. 

The subpoenaed should refuse to appear. 

Let it be solely of Republicans members posturing blather. Effectively showing it to be useless and ridiculous.

RTrent said:

I suggest that Democrats not serve. Deny the committee the credibility and gravitas of having Democrats serving on it. 

The subpoenaed should refuse to appear. 

Let it be solely of Republicans members posturing blather. Effectively showing it to be useless and ridiculous.

"Not serving" didn't do the Republicans any good with respect to the January 6 committee.

The subpoenaed should at least ask for specificity and details on what they're being subpoenaed for. 

Members of a new House committee will have the power to investigate agencies that are investigating them

"A bloc of Republican lawmakers has negotiated a new subcommittee that could give them the power to investigate law enforcement agencies that may, in turn, investigate them for involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

"Kevin McCarthy created the investigative panel, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, as part of a deal with far-right holdouts to get the votes he needed to become House Speaker.

"The Department of Justice doesn’t usually release information about ongoing investigations, but there is reason to believe it could be actively investigating members of Congress over the 2020 election, including the committee’s expected new leader, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). Jordan spoke to Trump on the morning of Jan. 6, according to records collected by congressional investigators, and was in touch with then-Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows during the lead-up to the attack."

My comment: If you liked BENGHAZI!!! you'll love Insurrection Protection.

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