If he had just followed his own advice, then his critiques would have merit. Got it.
I would not be surprised. Either way I lost all respect for him after the sexual harrasment charges from one of his female producers.
Isn't this bigger than claiming to be in a helicopter slightly in front of the one you were in while covering Iraq?
dave said:
Isn't this bigger than claiming to be in a helicopter slightly in front of the one you were in while covering Iraq?
Depends on who you ask. To some his 'behavior' is justified. After all if the charges against Ray Rice were dismissed, after he was caught on video, these are just hearsay and carry no weight for many. Not my opinion. Just saying what some will use to "justify" it.
Besides, she was probably asking for it.
Did she burn dinner? Dare to talk back? Mess up his Manhattan?
Bill has a notoriously short fuse and can explode at any moment. You can tell when an eruption is imminent: aggressive finger-pointing gesticulations. He will get violent if you don't shut up. Even that worm Sean Hannity is afraid of him. I think Sean even carries a gun.
America loves these guys.
I think, sadly, that the bar is set higher for some than it is for others. We expected more from Brian Williams in terms of honesty and integrity. Bill O'Reilly and his ilk, not so much.
Yep, Hannity has a permit. So does Martha Stewart's daughter. Not sure which one I'd be more afraid of.
sunnybrook said:
I think, sadly, that the bar is set higher for some than it is for others. We expected more from Brian Williams in terms of honesty and integrity. Bill O'Reilly and his ilk, not so much.
Absolutly how I feel. Williams was someone I trusted. O'Reilly not so much.
Brian Williams' sins involved his integrity as a reporter, so that impinged upon his craft and the basic job that he was hired to do. O'Reilly's latest despicable behavior only reflected upon his integrity as a human being, so no problem.
"I'll write it and we'll do it live!!!" Youtube or google it. Bill has an issue reading copy about sting or the police and loses his siht. Howard Stern plays it as a bumper sometimes
"To some his 'behavior' is justified."
Maybe so, but IMHO, nothing justifies it. He needs a time out for a year, and maybe that would take some air out of his tires. I am not, or ever was a fan...
ligeti said:
Can this be true, Bill? On Fox, you give a lot of helpful lectures every night about how we should behave. So I hope it's not true. The part about throwing tantrums and getting angry all the time is just wrong, right?
Don't you fly into rages every time the world doesn't operate the way you believe it should? Not sure which one of you this is, of course, but still....
If you're referring to me Case, no! Hell no!!!
I don't yell, and I have never flown into a rage, never... Usually, all it takes is a look, and a few soft, slowly spoken words. If that doesn't work, then there's always MOL where I can vent; and, if you ask anyone who knows me personally they'll confirm this. I mean, my wife says I may bark on occasion. ;-)
Yea, that too Ridski, only not so much anymore.
I'm not the pugilist I once was. Anyway, in case you haven't noticed, I've become a kinder and gentler kind of guy. And, I now prefer to just do battle here on Maplewoodonline...
Usually... but not always... if someone is being quoted, they're the person being addressed.
THANKS so much for starting this thread. O'Reilly is combative, nasty and vindictive and I have no doubt that these events happened. I read an online article on either Gawker or Jezebel regarding this. He allegedly also tried to have his ex wife excommunicated from their church. How insane is that move? And when he found out that during their legal separation his soon to be ex had begun quietly seeing a Long Island cop, he had his cop friends and higher ups investigate the boyfriend and give him hell, making his job difficult.
Instead of Bill being so distraught about Beyonce's song lyrics and making them talking points on his show or noting that riots are caused by blacks who don't have parents, he needed to be in counseling with his children and repent for his pimp behavior. Two parents in a home doesn't always mean that that home is a stable and loving environment.
This is one of my favorite meltdown clips. There are others. And trust....this most likely is the REAL him. At work and I'm sure at home.
O'Reilly's "I'll-Do-It-Live!" clip. Warning: O'Reilly drops a couple of "F" bombs that are not censored. Watch his behavior at the very end of the video from a different camera angle. He continues his melt-down.
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Can this be true, Bill? On Fox, you give a lot of helpful lectures every night about how we should behave. So I hope it's not true. The part about throwing tantrums and getting angry all the time is just wrong, right?