We bought garden netting at Home Depot and put it up all around the vegetable garden. We stapled it into the ground so the little thieves couldn't crawl under. Made a little gate with bungie cords so Icould.
I had the same problem with my peaches and plums. I am willing to share with the squirrels but they cannot have them all. I used netting, aluminum foil, and some stuff I got at Pierson's mill that smelled awful but seemed to help. When I saw the little creatures in my tress I sprayed them with a hose. one fellow was persistent - kept coming back from across the street.
Although I haven't tried it, Clay spray is supposed to work pretty well. I think the brand name is "Surround". Go to the You Bet Your Garden website to learn more. I listen to their podcast and heard about it there.
the only thing that has worked for me over the years is to trap them.
The only thing that has worked for me, over several years of trying various methods to no avail, is to build a large cage with wire poultry netting. I built the cage with hinges, so it flips off the garden box. It's like fort knox, but I have tomatoes!
We built an enclosure with a wood frame and heavy netting. It keeps the squirrels and the deer out, but we have a groundhog who ate all of my parsley by tunneling under it and pulling it down by the roots. We also spray deer and rodent repellent on the wooden frame.
I starting buying tomatoes at the farmers market. Just was not worth the pain.
We've managed to get two tomatoes so far. Not terribly big ones and not the most beautiful ones, but better than the store. I may have had more if I was watering them properly from the get go (learning as I go). I do have some nice looking jalapenos coming in that I imagine the squirrels won't quite be so interested in.
It looks like they've taken just one bite, but squirrels are small. They probably took a meal. But yeah, it's a hell of a way to ruin a tomato. Really annoying.
author said:
Has anyone tried negotiating with them?
What would that look like? Marking one tomato plant as for squirrels and the others as off limits?
some may think the best option is to file suit against the squirrels
So, I haven't tried this, but a friend suggested that when squirrels are eating tomatoes it's usually during long dry spells and they are thirsty. It was suggested to put out a bowl of water for them to drink instead of having them quenching their thirst with a tomato.
Tom_Reingold said:
author said:What would that look like? Marking one tomato plant as for squirrels and the others as off limits?
Has anyone tried negotiating with them?
Well if their team shows up with Red Balloons I would call the whole thing off.
<3 you guys!
should I add celery and some vodka? and a cocktail napkin?
I have a feeling that this forum was begun by a online-saavy squirrel in order to get us to reveal who is growing tomatoes.
variation on this:
Sprinkle HOT RED PEPPER around the plants. Get a BIG container at CostCo!
Hang strips of aluminum foil on the lower rungs of your tomato cages and generously sprinkle red blood bone meal around your plants. It will repel the squirrels and fertilize your plants at the same time.
Now you're talking, something that doesn't involve being handy or constructing anything! not my strong points. awesome!
RichEW Aug 17, 2015 at 11:09pm
I have a feeling that this forum was begun by a online-saavy squirrel in order to get us to reveal who is growing tomatoes.
And all the fake deterrents! haha
Quote • Report
er actually just one bite of the tomato, leaving it on the driveway to depress me. What do you do? Am not in to firearms. Do fences work? It's so aggravating. Thanks in advance!