So just got "the letter" along with our water bill. This has been going on long enough. If not resolved by the end of the year, I am going to ask the Water Department to provide us water that does not contain tetrachlorethylene, at great expense to them no doubt, since this stuff causes cancer. We have been exposed long enough! Children are at higher risk of course, so they can either provide us with a spring water service for drinking and filters for our shower and dishwashers.

Isn't South Orange in the process of running a new main so that they can change water companies?  I think the process is almost finished.

Also, you may want to move this to the "South Orange" category as I think the people whose attention you want don't spend a lot of time in soapbox.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2017,  New Jersey American Water will be the water supplier for South Orange. 

cramer said:
What "letter?"


No, C. 

It's multiple choice right?

RobB said:
cramer said:
What "letter?"
No, C. 
It's multiple choice right?

I guess so.

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