SOMa Comic Book Chat

Our next book is Preacher: Vol.1: Gone to Texas by Ennis July 14th, location tba.  Please save the date and join us!

Got the next book from the SO Library (thanks)- Preacher: Vol.1: Gone to Texas by Ennis July 14th, location tba. Please save the date and join us!

Please join us the 14th to chat about Preacher, Vol. 1: Gone to Texas.

Please join us July 14th, tomorrow, 7 p.m. at Mozzarella in South Orange for Preacher, Book 1.  Let me know if you’re coming.  New people are welcome.

Please join us for any one of these books - Our book list:

August is Blacksad, Somewhere within the Shadows, Dark Horse edition, by Canales on the 17th.

I’m going to move Blue is the Warmest Color by Maroh to September, so the French books are together.

Whiteout by Rucka, both volumes if you like.

Shadow Life by Goto.

See everyone tonight at 8!  PM me for the hosts’ address.

We’re meeting the 29th of September at 8 p.m. for 2 books, Blacksad and Blue is the Warmest Color.  All are welcome.  Location tba.

Please join us this Thursday and let us know you’re coming.  PM me for the address.

So tonight byob to Cactus Charly in Maplewood at 8, it is.  Please join us, books read or not.

Thanks for coming out on Thursday!  Please join us for October and November:
Whiteout by Rucka, both volumes if you like.
Shadow Life by Goto.
Thursday October 13th or Wednesday, October 19th?

 Please join us this Wednesday the 19th at 8 p.m. for Whiteout by Rucka, both volumes if you like.  Pm me for the address.
Shadow Life by Goto is for November.

Change for tonight!!  We’re meeting at 7 p.m. at Pickett’s in Maplewood.  Please join us, book read or not.

Thanks to all who came.  Thanks for the food!

Hi! Are we still on for the 17th? I’ve an earache, so was wondering if we could push it to December 8th?  The book is Shadow Life.

December 8th for Shadow Life!

December 8th for Shadow Life!

Please let us know if you’re coming, book read or not.  Then I can let the host know, and you know where.

Please join us on the 8th! RSVP and pm the address.

Happy holidays!  And a good 2023.  We’re meeting on the 19th of January to chat about Crash Site by Cowdry.  Please join us at 8 p.m.

Happy 2023!   We’re meeting this Thursday for Crash Site.  At 8 p.m. Location St James Gate.

Thanks to all who came!  Next books are Farscape by Jemsin, the Green Lantern book, The Nice House by the Lake, Vol. 1 by Tynion IV, From Hell by Moore.

The book group is meeting Wednesday the 15th of February for Farsector by Jemisin.
Please join us.

Please rsvp for this Wednesday so the host knows how many are coming.  Join us, book read or not.  Pm me for location.

Please join us tonight for Far Sector by N.K. Jemsin. at 8 p.m.  I’ll pm you the address.

Thanks for coming and to the host.  The next book is The House on the Lake by Tynion.

Sorry I didn’t post March’s book location details.  We are now onto April’s book, From Hell by Moore, Vol. 1. for April 20th at 8 p.m.  Please join us if you want.  Location tba.

From Hell - Chapter Five—Page 40 is fine to read.  Through Chapter Eight is another 48 pages if you like.

Thanks for joining us for From Hell.  Our next book is Flung Out of Space, a biography about Patricia Highsmith.  Save the date, May 10th at 8 p.m.  Location to be announced.

Hope you will join us this week.  Location tba.

Hi!  We’re reading Maggie the Mechanic by Hernandez for June.  The first volume.  Please join us.  Working out a date.

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