Hi! We are meeting this Wednesday at 8 p.m. locally. All are welcome if you’d like to discuss comics, graphic novels, manga, etc. The book is 100 Bullets, vol. 1.
Please feel free to come by tonight. New book group meeting at 8 p.m. at O’Reilly’s.
Great chat! Thanks for coming out. Next book Captain Marvel, vol.1, 2016.
Captain Marvel (2016) vol. 1. - we’ll discuss it on November 1st, probably at The Snug in South Orange at 8 p.m. Save the date and please join us! Have a great October and a Happy Halloween.
We’ll be discussing Captain Marvel, The Rise of Alpha Flight (2016) vol. 1. - please let me know if you’d like to come. November 1st, probably at The Snug in South Orange at 8 p.m.
Let’s meet at the Parkwood Diner on Springfield Ave. in Maplewood on November 1st at 8. BYOB. All are welcome. Rsvp please.
Hope you’ll join us in a week at the Parkwood Diner! The book is on Hoopla.
See you at the Parkwood Diner on Springfield Ave. in Maplewood this Thursday the first at 8. BYOB. All are welcome. Rsvp please. Our book group will discuss Captain Marvel, The Rise of Alpha Flight, vol. 1.
For lovers of sequential art, a book group. See you this Thursday at 8 at the Parkwood Diner.
SOMa Comic Book Chat, a discussion group, is meeting tonight at 8 at the Park Wood Diner on Springfield Ave. We’re talking about Captain Marvel: The Rise of Alpha Flight vol.1. You’re welcome to join us, book read or not.
Thanks to all who came out tonight. December’s Book has yet to be chosen. Nor a date. Everything is tba. Newcomers welcome! Suggestions, too!
How about Monstress volume 1 for January? Unless we have discussed it already?
I’m out of town for December. If someone wants organize a December get-together, please go ahead.
Happy 2019! We are meeting on January 23rd for a lively discussion of Monstress vol.1 by Marjorie Liu at 8 p.m. location tba. Also, please save the dates: February 21st tba Stan Lee book, March 21st tba, April is tricky, May 30th tba.
Please join us at 8 p.m. on January 23rd at Toro Loco in South Orange, book read or not!
See you next Wednesday at 8 at Toro Loco! Look for the stack of books.
This book group is looking for new enthusiasts. Please join us on the 23rd, Monstress read or not.
Hi, all! First of 2019 - See you tonight at Toro Loco at 8 for a lively discussion of Monstress. All enthusiasts are welcome to this book group for lovers of sequential art. Newcomers, please join us, book read or not!
Thank for coming out! Lovely seeing everyone. February’s book is Fantastic Four Masterworks vol. 1 by Stan Lee. Date tba. Enjoy the rest of the month. Newcomers welcome.
On February 21st the book group will chat about The Fantastic Four Masterworks, vol. 1, and all things Stan Lee. Please join us for a lively discussion, book read or not. It is online through the Maplewood Library. Location tba. All are welcome!
Sorry, the book is no longer online through Maplewood Library.
February 21st’s book, The Fantastic Four Masterworks, vol. 1, may be difficult to find. These are issues 1 to 10 from 1961 in honor of Stan Lee. FYI Marvel also sells individual digital copies at 1.99 each. At least the first issue can be read. Please join us for a lively discussion of all things Stan, book read or not. Amazon may have the book. Also:
Morning, please let me know that the book change is okay. No Fantastic Four, yes Stan Lee memoir.
The new February book is Stan Lee’s memoir- Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir for the 21st! https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501107763/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_HFKwCbFSGC1A5
SOMa Comic Book Chat - Hi, we are meeting next Thursday for Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501107763/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_HFKwCbFSGC1A5.
The 21st at 8 p.m. Message me for the location. Please join us, new readers welcome.
See you on the 21st. New members welcome to talk about comic books and graphic novels. Come check the book group out! PM me for the address.
See you tonight at the CBC discussion about Stan Lee. Please join us, book read or not. Message me for address in Maplewood.
See you on the 26th at 8, location tba, for a lively discussion of 100 Bullets, vol.1. All are welcome.