Sheena wins BIG!

Sheena Collum      1427      70.23%
Emily Hynes            603       29.68%

Any stats for the running mates  

or Write-Ins? 

Deborah Davis Ford     1427    31.99%

Howard Levison            1464   32.82% 

Mark Rosner                 1428   32.01%

Write-In                         142      3.18%

So happy about the results and can't wait for the next four years! 

I'm a bit out of the loop on this, but did she run for village prez?

Congratulations,  Sheena!  Exciting times for S.O.

drummerboy said:

I'm a bit out of the loop on this, but did she run for village prez?

Yes, Sheena was running for president Vilage of South Orange oh oh 

Village Green article about the victory!

Village Green article about the victory!

This is very cool for S.O. I've always liked Sheena. Can't think of anyone more devoted to the town.

Wonderful news!  Sheena has such passion, commitment, smarts, and genuinely cares!

Sheena won every district.

Very happy with the results and agree Sheena really cares.  

Looking at the votes, if I am reading it correctly,  it appears that less than 2100 people came out to vote in a population of approximately 16, 500.  That is sad. 

Well remember that about 22% of the town's population is children under 18, or about 3,000 people. So that means about 16% of the voting-age population voted. Still not great but slightly better.

I'm also not sure how many Seton Hall stufents are counted in the population numbers...the census data says 15% of the population is aged 18-24 so it seems like probably at least some of those are at SHU. They may not have a vested interest in voting. I never voted in local elections when I was in college. 

It is sad, but that spreadsheet claims 12000 registered voters.  So 2100 out of 12000.  

Much better than four years ago   There are a little over 12,000 registered voters in SO  

The large number of undervotes suggests a lot of unhappiness with the incumbent trustees.

Since I've been here in 2006, no candidate has managed to win every single district like Sheena just did. That's quite the statement, South Orange!

jayjay said:

The large number of undervotes suggests a lot of unhappiness with the incumbent trustees.

 Not for nothing (as we Jersey natives say), but nobody else ran.  You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket, and ranting online does not get you anywhere, either.

FilmCarp said:

It is sad, but that spreadsheet claims 12000 registered voters.  So 2100 out of 12000.  

Yes more accurate and I knew there would a percentage of ineligibles: From the village green: A total of 2,032 votes were cast out of a total of 12,330 registered voters.   Assuming most who are eligible are registered, it is still sad.  I don't think it is any better with school elections.     

congrats to Sheena.   Too bad there werent more people running for trustee, I think we might have seen some real turnover if there was choice.  

Congratulations to the first female Village President of South Orange -- way to go, Sheena! 

Very happy about Sheena but totally disgusted that we will have to endure four more years of the three incompetent musketeers on the ballot

No one stopped you from running @festus....

Interesting to note the number of write-in votes here. If you look at the Essex County Clerk's office link below, other towns that had municipal elections yesterday had negligible numbers of write-ins -- on the order of 0.1 - 0.3%.

It seems there is a clear desire for more choices here in South Orange.

cramer said:

Deborah Davis Ford     1427    31.99%

Howard Levison            1464   32.82% 

Mark Rosner                 1428   32.01%

Write-In                         142      3.18%


JayJay, The lack of turnout could also mean that people are generally satisfied.  I'm not sure, but usually when people hate a situation they find alternative candidates and push for turnout to elect them.  You and several others complain constantly but failed to find a slate of candidates to run, so maybe you should back off for a bit and see how things go.  I'm all for accountability, but take a breather.

festus, I know you can't possibly accept that something good can happen, but what if those who rode the coat tails to reelection respond by supporting her initiatives?  Is it possible that the energy Sheena always seems to have will result in positive change on the Board of Trustees?  I don't agree with everything that they have or have not done, but none of them are malevolent.  There has not been much leadership in the form of building consensus for the last four years.  Let's see what happens.

Dan Dietrich

Congratulations to Sheena.I don't know what to make of the comment by Festus about the three Trustees since Sheena voted unanimously with them on the last 100 or matters. As President, her voting is limited to breaking a tie which seems unlikely. A person who is sympathetic to the current Trustees will be appointed replacement Trustee. Festus, you may not realize it, but you got everything you wanted or, at least, voted for. So cheer up! 

TarheelsInNj said:

Well remember that about 22% of the town's population is children under 18, or about 3,000 people. So that means about 16% of the voting-age population voted. Still not great but slightly better.

I'm also not sure how many Seton Hall stufents are counted in the population numbers...the census data says 15% of the population is aged 18-24 so it seems like probably at least some of those are at SHU. They may not have a vested interest in voting. I never voted in local elections when I was in college. 

Seton Hall students should have a vested interest in voting in South Orange because they live here and the elections affect their lives too.  Sadly, but not surprisingly, it seems neither candidate reached out to the students, especially the on campus resident students and those who rent locally and live in town.  Still a bit disheartening since Sheena is also an alumna and you would think she would want their support.  Decisions made in South Orange affect the everyday lives of those is live and work in South Orange including Seton Hall students.

irvingtonpirate - My recollection is that when Sheena was a senior at SHU and student body president, she and Brian O'Malley, who was then a senior and is now Residence  Coordinator at SHU, conducted a big "get out the vote" campaign at SHU. Student turnout was still  very poor.  

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