That stinks--looks like there are several options with different amounts of coverage.
bak said:
That stinks--looks like there are several options with different amounts of coverage.
for $3.49 more a month you’re covered for pipe collapse. Read the fine print, this issue has been discussed here for years.
48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
2010 Altima $4,800
More info
My cousin just got hit with a $12k sewer line collapse. He has the N.J. Amer. Water policy at $9 a month. He described it as useless. Your home insurance company may offer sewer line protection at a much lower premium. Ours does.
Call your home insurance agent to see if you already have that insurance and consider adding it if you don't