mrincredible said:
Sheena Collum for Senate!!
Joe D won't have it.
DanDietrich said:
mrincredible said:
Sheena Collum for Senate!!
Joe D won't have it.
Joe D. needs to retire.
mrincredible said:
Sheena Collum for Senate!!
Due to redistricting, Sheena is o longer in Corey’s district.
We're no longer in that district. I don't know (and at this point it doesn't matter) why he ran in the primary when they put him into the same district as Nia Gill. I would hope that she's the designee to run now, as she's an incumbent, also.
From June: Codey defeats Gill in incumbent-versus-incumbent battle - New Jersey Globe
It does seem like an odd decision. It would have been a great way to step down graciously.
The party now gets to choose his successor on the November ballot. While it seems obvious to pick Gill, there is no hard and fast rule to dictate that choice. So the next State Senator for that district could be hand-picked by party insiders and never have to go through a primary election. And since a lot of legislators stuck around in their seats well past typical retirement age, that person could serve for decades.
Considering the fact that Gill was the lone dissenting vote against Stuart Rabner’s confirmation to the State Supreme Court it’s feasible that this was a planned maneuver to remove her from the Senate. I’m not usually given to conspiracy theories but I know the NJ political world is fertile ground for retribution.
KarenMarlowe said:
I can't imagine it won't be John McKeon.
What!?! A middle-aged white guy appointed to a position of power? When has that ever happened?
Seriously, I respect Mr. McKeon, and have no problem with him as a state senator. But to me, the optics are bad for a party and state which are supposed to be progressive.
mrincredible said:
It does seem like an odd decision. It would have been a great way to step down graciously.
The party now gets to choose his successor on the November ballot. While it seems obvious to pick Gill, there is no hard and fast rule to dictate that choice. So the next State Senator for that district could be hand-picked by party insiders and never have to go through a primary election. And since a lot of legislators stuck around in their seats well past typical retirement age, that person could serve for decades.
Considering the fact that Gill was the lone dissenting vote against Stuart Rabner’s confirmation to the State Supreme Court it’s feasible that this was a planned maneuver to remove her from the Senate. I’m not usually given to conspiracy theories but I know the NJ political world is fertile ground for retribution.
It was planned, definitely. The Democratic Party machines in Essex and Passaic counties were backing Codey.
Codey probably gets to handpick his replacement on the ballot in exchange for stepping down.
mrincredible said:
KarenMarlowe said:
I can't imagine it won't be John McKeon.
What!?! A middle-aged white guy appointed to a position of power? When has that ever happened?
Seriously, I respect Mr. McKeon, and have no problem with him as a state senator. But to me, the optics are bad for a party and state which are supposed to be progressive.
They are. Codey had to know he wasn't staying on. For him to run in the primary is some pretty shady stuff. It was just to oust Gill as has been said here. If she ran against McKeon, she *might* have won...
Speaking from WO, it had better be John McKeon. Would have been great if it had been Mila, too, if not for the redistricting & retiring, but I've got zero interest in being "represented" by someone from another district who was freshly dropped into ours just this year when we've got a great assemblyman & former mayor of our own town who'd be perfect for the job.
It will be McKeon. Don't kid yourselves into thinking that it will be anyone other than the person Joe wants.
Brendan Gill, the other contender, also the Essex County Commissioner, will not challenge McKeon. He will instead run in place of his wife, Alixon Collazos-Gill, who won the primary, for Assembly. How this occurred is only known to the power-makers...
AFAIK, not behind a paywall, but I am a subscriber:
Sorry for so many commas in my post...
This is the worst thing about being a Democrat in NJ. Open seat? Who will Joe D assign it to? Probably a county employee that he can control. No point in even holding the election. No need for any outsiders or new ideas. Whose "turn" is it?
What an ugly mess. I read the article. (We also have a paid subscription so I don’t know if it’s behind a paywall.)
Two women of color sidelined for two white men, is the upshot. And one more Assembly seat to fill.
McKeon likely moves to the Senate and leaves an opening.
Brendan Gill takes his spot on the ballot.
Alixon Collazos-Gill is dropping out of the race after winning her primary, I guess so her husband can run? Is there some rule that a married couple can’t represent the same district? That would make sense to me but I didn’t read anything about it in the article. So the party has to pick someone else to run in her place. So literally none of the district candidates will have been selected via primary election.
The Democratic Party machine is alive and well in northern NJ. This is the same thing that's been happening in Maplewood for the past couple of decades. Party leaders effectively choosing who will get elected via party endorsements. It's gross.
Good news, as far as I’m concerned.
Brendan Gill backed out of the Assembly race and now his wife, Alixon Collazos-Gill, is back on the ballot. Since she won her primary.
Also another woman is now running for the second Assembly seat to replace Jack McKeon.
mrincredible said:
Good news, as far as I’m concerned.
Brendan Gill backed out of the Assembly race and now his wife, Alixon Collazos-Gill, is back on the ballot. Since she won her primary.
Also another woman is now running for the second Assembly seat to replace Jack McKeon.
I think so too.
Nia Gill actually challenged Codey in the primary. But she's not an old white guy. So the only other person who got votes in the election is out.
First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
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Senator Codey was an elected official setting a record breaking 50 years of service to his legislative district as an Assemblyman and Senator, and to all Jerseyans as Governor. His political battles with County and State powerbrokers were well known, but they were never able to sway the voters against him.
50 years in politics without a hint of scandal, abuse of office for personal gain, or having to go before a grand jury, leaving office with a legacy for mental health and those who were in need of social services. All while swimming in the Essex shark tank
Thanks Dick.