Posted By: stateguyLions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My.
Posted By: MsSumidaWhen the zoning board meets on this, show up with a list of questions, and make sure as you ask every question so the responses are noted in the minutes.
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48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
Town group asks Millburn to stop making zoning exceptions.
Case in point: proposed 16,350 square foot house of worship to be
constructed on residential property that is more than an acre
shy of the legal or required size.
MILLBURN, N.J. February 8, 2010 - A non-profit group of local residents named The Concerned
Neighborhood Association of Millburn Township (also called is asking all interested
residents to attend an open public informational meeting this coming week.
The meeting will be to discuss the possibility of The Chai Center for Living Judaism getting a substantial
variance that would allow them to tear down two current homes and replace them with a massive new
building at the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Old Short Hills Road.
The informational meeting is open to all residents and will be held at the Bauer Center
in Taylor Park this coming Wednesday evening February 10th at 7:30pm.
Save Millburn is imploring officials on the Millburn Zoning Board of Adjustment to not make substantial
zoning exceptions since the town has a full town wide approved Zoning Ordinance. If the Zoning Ordinance
needs changes, by all means it should be updated and amended but on a town wide basis. Otherwise, our
group doesn't accept special zoning for special interests anywhere in Millburn. Allowing substantial
variances can hurt a great town's plan.
The Chai Center is bringing a team of lawyers, engineers, architects, planners and traffic experts to the
Zoning Board of Adjustment at Town Hall on March 1st at 7pm asking for a substantial variance to the
approved Zoning Ordinance to build their 16,350 square foot building. Any resident can attend. Check
the website should this date be moved for any reason.
Background Facts
Millburn zoning allows a house of worship to be built in a residential area but requires it to be on a minimum 3 acres.
The Chai Center group has only 1.815 acres of the required 3 acres even after combining their properties at number
1 and 7 Jefferson Avenue (corner lot facing Old Short Hills Road).
The Chai Center is asking that the height of the structure be allowed to go above town approved height of 32 feet.
The Chai Center proposes many of the 48 car parking spaces be allowed to be closer to neighbors properties than the
required 50-foot buffer.
The Chai Center proposes that entrances/exits be added on Old Short Hills Road which is already heavy with traffic
and is the main thoroughfare for ambulances to and from St. Barnabas Hospital.
The Chai Center proposes large signage or identification on Old Short Hills Road.
The Chai Center wants to have a screened dumpster enclosure, an underground storage facility for storm water,
fences, walkways and extensive landscaping.
The Chai Center is currently conducting services and holding classes with many cars parking on the front yard, back
yard and on neighboring streets.
SAVE MILLBURN is the name for the local, registered, non-profit group,
The Concerned Neighborhood Association of Millburn Township, Inc. 2010 or write: