Rent Party Road Show! Back To The Gym!

We are taking the show on the road for the first time in 2017! And we're heading back to "our roots" ...

If you've been around long enough, you remember the Battle of the Basement Bands shows in the OLS Gym! Two great bands who are gonna be working the cover side of the streets, playing classics and new favorites ... It's gonna be a great night and all the dough we raise is gonna help fight hunger in our part of the world!

Who was at Battle of the Basement Bands during the blizzard?

Can't wait! It's going to be excellent!

Soul_29 said:

Who was at Battle of the Basement Bands during the blizzard?

It was perhaps the most spirited crowd I can recall at any live event in our two towns. That was in no small part BECAUSE of the blizzard. It was like everyone there was on a specific mission to not let the weather win. An all-time great night.

If you weren't there, you missed this ... Enough said.

How many persons attended?

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