Recommend your tall, relatively thin indoor house plant needing low light

We managed to kill something that looks like the photo here (but real, not artificial as in the photo, obviously).  Would like to replace it with something different but about the same dimensions.  It will live in a corner that gets almost no direct sunlight.

Or if you simply have a favorite nursery with a variety of house plants, feel free to share! 

I believe that's a corn plant. We also have one. Here are a couple others that might work. The little one is called a snake plant (or mother in law's tongue?). Those can get really tall. This one, and 3 others, are a project and we hope it gets us some nice sculpture-esque plants.

I don't know what the other one is but I think it's cool.

this is another pair of those plants we're working on.

snake plant for low light. Metro plants on route 10 has good selection and knowledgable help.

Snake plants can get quite large!

But if you put it in a smaller pot, it seems to me that it would take a long time for it to get larger?

Well, when it starts as a little baby you can go small for a bit.

Snake plants are very forgiving in terms of light and water; I have one that's about 25 years old. I've kept it in the same pot for most of that time, so it isn't particularly tall, but it's on a windowsill facing north, so it's fine.

But, if you have dogs or cats, know that snake plants are on the "toxic to pets" list that the ASPCA puts out. I'm not sure if it is a problem for young children as well, but you might want to check it out. Dumb cane (dieffenbachia) is another plant that can make the mouth and throat numb if an animal or young child chews on the leaves.

Of course, if no pets or toddlers, you don't have to worry about this.

Snake plants are only forgiving if underwatered, overwatering will kill them pretty quickly. Watering them once or twice a month is fine, and just a bit, they don't need a lot.

Bamboo... Grows quickly in very low light and it only needs water. Ours does not even have soil and I don't seem to be able to kill it by forgiving to water it (which happens very often even thought it is in a glass container where I can easily see the water level). 

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