Pranks and Vandalism on Walton Last Night

The night of Friday the 17th, people woke up to find (in order of severity):

  • PSE&G traffic cones on their lawns and in their driveways.
  • We found a PSE&G caution signal sawhorse set up on top of one of our cars.
  • Someone else found a cinder block on the roof of their car.
  • A Porta-Potty was tipped over.

Who knows what else. Keep an eye out.

Did you report this to MPD?

they were notified.

so sorry this happened in your neighborhood, I live very close to Walton, and will keep a look out for unusual behavior. Sounds like middle school stuff!

what a PIA!!

tom said:
The night of Friday the 17th, people woke up to find (in order of severity):

  • PSE&G traffic cones on their lawns and in their driveways.
  • We found a PSE&G caution signal sawhorse set up on top of one of our cars.
  • Someone else found a cinder block on the roof of their car.
  • A Porta-Potty was tipped over.
Who knows what else. Keep an eye out.

I noticed the porta-potty during my early morning run. Was wondering how that happened. Ugh!

Hooligans! So gross about the port-a-potty... BTW, emmie, this was South Orange..

I just noticed today that a "Parking" sign (with times parking is allowed) was also just pulled out of the ground and left laying on the ground at the intersection of S Ridgewood and Walton.

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