Possums living in my house

So...we thought we heard sounds in the walls and looked for signs of animal intrusion outside. Thought maybe a squirrel but now we have realized that it is a family of possums, including a new-born who is in a nest under the third floor bathroom(we pulled up a plank and found it). I figure we need to get rid of the family and assume it is a rodent-type removal service but I have no idea what this will involve. Anyone have experiences they can share or referrals for a service? Any advice is appreciated 

Buckinghams Pest Control got rid of a squirrel in my attic, they are right here in Maplewood. 973-762-6760

Opossums are marsupials, not rodents,and therefore they are considered wildlife (although they are pests) and probably, because there are young in the nest, need to be removed professionally by a wildlife relocator http://www.wildlife-removal.com/opossum.htm 

Good call Calli, I would hate to see any harm come the the opossum family. My squirrel was set free.

I had no luck with Buckingham's and a possum we needed removed last year.  Your link, Calliope, doesn't seem to be active.  I did find, though, Wildlife Control Specialist, http://www.skunks-2.com, on the Woodlands Wildlife Refuge website, along with this fascinating video about the process of humanely relocating a raccoon and her kits out of someone's attic:  http://www.woodlandswildlife.org/Links.htm

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