Old Dog Pees (and Poops) All Over House

I'm sure many of you have gone through this. I will set up a consult with vet. But, please, any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you

Mine was incontinent in that she couldn’t hold it, but was still aware of her surroundings, so when I introduced her to wee wee pads she readily took to them and didn’t have any more accidents.  However if it is due to cognitive issues then I don’t know what can help. 

Diapers worked for my old dog.  We did not have a poop problem so for my male we found that a washable wrap with a maxi pad worked best.  Females can use regular (dog or even kid) diapers.   Good luck!

cubby said:

I'm sure many of you have gone through this. I will set up a consult with vet. But, please, any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you

 Limiting his range — no access to second floor, perhaps. Getting the pads or diapers as suggested if he will tolerate them. Keep all his stuff in one room, so he knows, where everything is. I am sure your Vet will have suggestions for palliative care for your fur baby. Good luck!

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