NYC Times Square needs to do this!

La Repubblica is reporting today that the Rome City Council has passed an ordinance, which takes effect immediately, which bans the taking of photographs for pay with individuals posing as centurions "or other historical figures" (gladiators, soldiers, prophets, etc.). The taking of photos with such individuals where there is no exchange of money is not banned. Transgressors can be fined up to 400 Euros, and the centurion (or other) paraphernalia is subject to being confiscated.

The ordinances are issued pursuant to the "police powers" of the city council, with the stated purpose of ensuring public safety and maintaining decorum.

The article reports that the city council has noted that the "centurions" often use "inopportune" tactics, including aggressive and intimidatory behavior, to induce reluctant tourists to partake in the photo taking.

Italy does not have anything as annoying as the bill of rights. 

My understanding is that an outright ban in Times Square would be found unconstitutional. Which is why the city is looking to implement limiting it to certain designated locations.

Plus, I don't think Elmo and  Queen Elsa are historical figures. Not technically anyhow.

Times Square is tacky as sh*t and people love it for that, right?  I just don't understand the fuss over these "characters" that seem to be pretty popular with the tourists.  Seems like Times Square is exactly where they should be.  This whole thing from DiBlasio is an eye-roller.  

I agree that Times Square is pretty much an appropriate place for people like that. There's nothing 'real' there that they're destroying.

What is wrong with a prophet or two?

I believe it's also illegal to require payment for the taking of photos in NYC. The superheroes and painted ladies "ask" for a "tip."

it's not the photos, it's the shakedown.

mbaldwin said:

Times Square is tacky as sh*t and people love it for that, right?  I just don't understand the fuss over these "characters" that seem to be pretty popular with the tourists.  Seems like Times Square is exactly where they should be.  This whole thing from DiBlasio is an eye-roller.  

Maybe it is because many have needed to be arrested for assault, disorderly conduct and offering prostitution.   It's unnecessary.  

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