Norovirus on the rise

It seems that test positivity was up late last year, although apparently it’s already declining. 

A few things in the attached article that stood out to me:

  • Fecal-oral is the most common transmission route although sharing utensils isn’t a good idea either. 
  • It can cause headaches and body aches along with severe cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Symptoms develop with 24-48 hours of exposure
  • You can remain contagious for up to 2 weeks after symptoms abate
  • Hand sanitizer doesn’t work well on this bug … gotta wash well with soap and water. Especially after using the bathroom.

Anyway, be safe out there. Wash your hands!

Here's something from the past that just popped up, a building in Edgewater has found legionella bacteria in the water. The building is going through remediation. The building is not very old, and the notice just went out to tenants last night.

mrincredible said:

Anyway, be safe out there. Wash your hands!

TMI warning...

A timely post. We were in New Orleans over New Years (our first time -we loved it!) but we both came home Friday night with this terrible bug. Let's just say symptoms were violent and unpredictable.  

We were in lots of restaurants, bars, Ubers, street performances, stores, gift shops and museums. I'm not surprised, in retrospect, that we got sick 

When we got home, I took both Pepto-Bismol and Imodium, and relief was almost immediate. I've retaken it every 8 hours or so, along with lots and lots of water, and I feel my life is back in control. 

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