NJ voters are so over Chris Christie

his approval rating is down to 39%. with 47% disapproval among registered NJ voters. How can anyone seriously still consider this guy presidential timber? shouldn't the fact that the people who know him the best think he's doing a crappy job?

Governor Christie seems "so over" us, as well, since he hardly spends any time in New Jersey anymore.

Agree with your question.

Unfortunately, the candidate who raises the most money is going to win.

Call me cynical.

Half of this country voted for Romney. Half voted for Bush the second time around.

He's not getting nearly as much attention as his would-be opponents right now, other than the Cowboys game bit.

That would happens when you do not cut taxes and the budget as promised. Had he really been a small government governor he would still be very popular.

ram said:

That would happens when you do not cut taxes and the budget as promised. Had he really been a small government governor he would still be very popular.


people are upset because there are real problems that aren't being addressed while the big guy travels the country. like this:

it's saddening to see how much damage to our state has been done by one man in just 5 years.

He isn't a good liar. The Cowboys farce I think hurt him too, not because its not a local team but because he looked like a lapdog to Jerry Jones, not a friend.

hankzona said:

He isn't a good liar. The Cowboys farce I think hurt him too, not because its not a local team but because he looked like a lapdog to Jerry Jones, not a friend.

Yeah. He isn't going to make it nationally, no matter how hard he tries, because like that high-five he will just look like he's trying too hard.

Prior to his State of the State yesterday, he gave a one hour preview/Q & A to the national press media, but barred the local press from attending- I wonder why?

ml1 said:

it's saddening to see how much damage to our state has been done by one man in just 5 years.

Anyone want to compare damage done to our state by each governor in the last 25 years? It might be an interesting read.

A record we can celebrate:

fabulouswalls said:

ml1 said:

it's saddening to see how much damage to our state has been done by one man in just 5 years.

Anyone want to compare damage done to our state by each governor in the last 25 years? It might be an interesting read.

Every elected governor of NJ in the last 25 years has been destructive. It is why NJ is in such deep doodoo.

FilmCarp said:

Half of this country voted for Romney. Half voted for Bush the second time around.

Last night Chris Hayes said, why the heck shouldn't Romney run? Anyone who makes it to the GOP nomination is guaranteed at least 45% of the vote; so he only needs a few more points to win.

fabulouswalls said:

Anyone want to compare damage done to our state by each governor in the last 25 years? It might be an interesting read.

Could be an interesting discussion, but completely irrelevant to a discussion of whether THIS governor should or could be a Presidential contender.

ml1 said:

it's saddening to see how much damage to our state has been done by one man in just 5 years.

As Tom Moran noted in the Ledger, the biggest thing Christie had going was his personality. But that gets you only so far. On Christie's watch, financial downgrade history was made in New Jersey. And, yet, little or nothing came out of the statehouse to address the problem. That's one reason why his State of the State address was a speech about nothing. He couldn't risk talking about specifics, such as why New Jersey is lagging economically. Christie never had any real plans or a vision for the future of the state.

The tough Jersey guy act has seen its best days.

GL2 said:

FilmCarp said:

Half of this country voted for Romney. Half voted for Bush the second time around.

Last night Chris Hayes said, why the heck shouldn't Romney run? Anyone who makes it to the GOP nomination is guaranteed at least 45% of the vote; so he only needs a few more points to win.

50.1%. That's what he told us last time. He only needs 50.1%, which is why he publicly declared the 47% that weren't going to vote for him were inconsequential. Problem is, he campaigned on percentage points, and percentage points don't elect presidents in this country, Electoral Votes do, and Obama campaigned for those, and you know darned well whoever runs against him will, too.

ml1 said:

ram said:

That would happens when you do not cut taxes and the budget as promised. Had he really been a small government governor he would still be very popular.


people are upset because there are real problems that aren't being addressed while the big guy travels the country. like this:

it's saddening to see how much damage to our state has been done by one man in just 5 years.

We live in the most urbanized state in the nation. "Small" government simply isn't appropriate for the level of infrastructure and population density we have here. It isn't Iowa or New Hampshire.

Sorry to be a cynic but look at Congress's approval ratings around the last election, and the fools in this country reelected the same people -- and more of the same ilk. Yes, we can debate how the Democrats shot themselves in the foot by abandoning Obama, thinking that would get them elected, as if nobody could see right through them. There is no way to make maroons see any differently than they already do. What has to happen is that we have to get higher numbers of people out to vote in all of our elections. But with so much apathy out there, I don't know how. Maybe there has to be a candidate that we REALLY believe in. Elizabeth Warren?????..........

ram said:

fabulouswalls said:

ml1 said:

it's saddening to see how much damage to our state has been done by one man in just 5 years.

Anyone want to compare damage done to our state by each governor in the last 25 years? It might be an interesting read.

Every elected governor of NJ in the last 25 years has been destructive. It is why NJ is in such deep doodoo.

some have been more destructive than others. Tom Kean actually did a lot for education in NJ. And Florio tried to sort out the state's finance's before voters grabbed their torches and pitchforks.

I've lived in NJ all my life. And as bad as some governors have been, there's no contest. Christie has been the worst, and most destructive. And it's not just my opinion. By most objective measures, his term has been a disaster for the state.

and spiking the ARC project will come back to haunt North Jersey in a big, big way.

SouthernBaron said:

hankzona said:

He isn't a good liar. The Cowboys farce I think hurt him too, not because its not a local team but because he looked like a lapdog to Jerry Jones, not a friend.

Yeah. He isn't going to make it nationally, no matter how hard he tries, because like that high-five he will just look like he's trying too hard.

It was less a high five and more a dry hump on Jerry's leg.

Carry on. Sorry for the thread drift.

While he should resign to run , he wouldn't . He needs the fund raising , the pulpit , the security detail , the planes & the black SUV's . He was never going to carry NJ and it doesn't have enough electoral votes to matter. He's that decal you see in the back window of pickup trucks , the kid pissing on the state of NJ. He'll spend the rest of his time starting a huge fight with the Dems over pensions all for theater. The only winner here are the boardwalks of the Jersey shore.

mumstheword said:

Sorry to be a cynic but look at Congress's approval ratings around the last election, and the fools in this country reelected the same people -- and more of the same ilk. Yes, we can debate how the Democrats shot themselves in the foot by abandoning Obama, thinking that would get them elected, as if nobody could see right through them. There is no way to make maroons see any differently than they already do. What has to happen is that we have to get higher numbers of people out to vote in all of our elections. But with so much apathy out there, I don't know how. Maybe there has to be a candidate that we REALLY believe in. Elizabeth Warren?????..........

People don't vote for "Congress." They vote for their representative. And most people who hate congress hate everyone else in congress other than theirs.

As for voter apathy, I think many people don't think it matters who gets elected. They don't think their lives will change...

When he is exposed to the voters for real.........when he has to answer question...........when the other candidates for the nomination go after him.......the guy is toast with no butter.........nothing but an embarrassing memory for a State that deserved better.

just goes to show how many people don't get past the superficial. he was sold to voters as honest, with integrity, and a "moderate." he isn't any of those things. but he is an obnoxious boor and an embarrassment to the state.

when he was first running I kept pointing out to people on MOL that he is a shady character. but a lot of people drank the Christie Kool-Aid.

Chris Christie’s Jersey nightmare: Why his state hasn’t touched the economic recovery

Why do half of his state's residents want to leave? Strip away his antics, and there's a devastating economic story


Late last year a Monmouth University/ Asbury Park Press poll found that half of the New Jersey residents surveyed wanted to leave the state more than five years after Christie was first elected. In the survey of 802 adults 54 percent identified the state’s cost of living and tax burden as the primary driver for their desire to relocate.

Even more disconcerting for the state’s future is that those most likely to want to leave, according to the survey, are people still in their prime working years who earn over $100,000 a year. “Very little has happened over the past few years to change Garden State residents’ desire or ability to remain in the state,” says Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute which has gotten similar results for the last seven years.

“We should be concerned that higher income residents are more prone to leave and that many will do so before they retire,” says Murray. “This would leave behind a depleted tax base coupled with a population in need of greater support. If these conditions come to fruition, the affordability anxieties that are driving people out of the state now will only get worse.”

We are already there.

Twenty-first century New Jersey is a state so disconnected from the national narrative of “recovery” it might as well be its own country. The fact that the major media has ignored this story for so long is a tribute to Governor Christie’s prowess as a great entertainer. Not since the arrival of the Great Pandas from China has the major media been so distracted by sideshow antics.

New Jersey is only one of three states where poverty has gone up according to the latest U.S. Census data. (New Mexico and Washington are the two others.) Back in 2007, 8.6 percent of the state lived below the poverty line. That went up to 9.4 percent in 2009 and in 2013 hit 11.4 percent.

... (much more)

Christie did not cause NJ's serious problems. He just did not fix any of the ones his predecessors caused.

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