Moving company for 3 Heavy Dressers to NYC?

We cannot seem to get a good and serious offer for our two Stickley Mission dressers, so my wife wants to take them to our new apartment in the West Village rather than let them go for pennies on the dollar. We need a moving company that will load the dressers and a Stickley hutch in a truck (two of the dressers need to be carried down from the 2nd floor bedroom), and will take them across the Holland Tunnel and put them in our apartment (which is a building with an elevator). I don't need any packing done. I just need two strong bodies who have experience moving good furniture ... I can even rent a 10-foot UHaul if needed.

As an added bonus, if they could take a queen mattress and a LazE-Boy sofa to the Millburn Town Dump, I would pay extra.

Does anyone have any recommendations of who I could call, and what the approximate price would be? I think that the job, end-to-end, would be no more than one hour.

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