MOL!! Please help this great not-for0profit organization earn up to $100,000

Dear Friends

Many of you know that I am the Vice Chair of the Board for She's the First, a not-for-profit organization that funds educational needs of girls in low-income countries as well as empowering young women in the U.S.  I am very passionate about this organization as they do amazing work with very limited resources.  They continue to take advantage of whatever opportunities that come their way.  This is no exception.  WE HAVE AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY.  WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN A MATCHING GIFT EVENT (matching by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).  MAPSO, SOMA, MSO (whatever we call ourselves), HELP ME TAKE STF OVER THE FINISH LINE.  HERE IS THE LINK. I would be most appreciative if you could participate with a donation of ANY size.

Thank you


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