Maplewood App: Discount Crenshaw Tickets

Hey, thanks to the generosity of our pals at the Maplewood Chamber of Commerce, we're able to offer you a discount on tickets for next week's Marshall Crenshaw Rent Party! All you have to do is download the Maplewood Business Directory to your iPhone or Android ... Once you're signed up, you'll get a discount code via the app. You'll get a nice discount on your ticket and we'll throw in a Rent Party 5th Anniversary Collection too!

This is a limited offer ... While supplies last and all that ... So take care of that today!

i downloaded it but i can't find tickets or a discount code, and I don't even see it listed as one of the events. Can you advise? thanks!

If you click on the image or swipe across (depending on what type of phone you have), it will take you to a short form (Name and email address) and explanation to complete for a discount code ...

Thank you. Neither of those is working but my phone is funky so I'm going to try loading the app on a different device! The ticket doesn't pop up at all on the landing page, if that's the image you mean I should click on. (I'm on an iPhone but I have something else I can try.)

Nope, doesn't work on other iPod device, nor show up in Events or Search. Deleted and reinstalled and gave it all the permissions it wanted this time (like downloading offline coaching content?! No thank you!) -- but still no luck. Is there a part on the app where you're supposed to sign up? Thanks.

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