Lost Toyota key

We lost a Toyota key this morning somewhere in a square of Prospect St, Summit Ave, and Tuscan.  Thanks for any help

Check with church office to see if anyone finding the key might have turned it in there.

Thanks. Great suggestion

I just completed a careful walk along Tuscan Road from Prospect Street to Summit Avenue and did not see the key. Sorry.  I am assuming someone found it and turned it in somewhere.  If the church doesn't have it, it may be at the police station.

thanks so much Joan. That is so kind. Took out Snoopy along the route, but he is far better at finding old chicken bones than car keys 

dr_matt said:

thanks so much Joan. That is so kind. Took out Snoopy along the route, but he is far better at finding old chicken bones than car keys 

grin And for some reason, there's always chicken bones...

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