LOST DOG in the Res

(not mine) Small female boxer mix, brown & white coat (white face), distended teats like she's recently given birth or been nursing. By stream near 1st pump house off Pleasant Valley Way. Seen at 8:45 am this morning. I've called it in to St Hubert's.

Any update on this dog?  If not, I'll walk over that way next time I'm in the reservation.

No update.

LuvThisTown said:
Any update on this dog?  If not, I'll walk over that way next time I'm in the reservation.


Any other markers I might be familiar with?  I know the reservation pretty well but I'm not exactly sure where Pleasant Valley Way is.  Which entrance is closest to where you saw the dog?  I'm going walking tomorrow - maybe I'll try to walk that way just in case.

LuvThisTown said:
Any other markers I might be familiar with?  I know the reservation pretty well but I'm not exactly sure where Pleasant Valley Way is.  Which entrance is closest to where you saw the dog?  I'm going walking tomorrow - maybe I'll try to walk that way just in case.

 Pleasant Valley Way (changes name to Cherry Lane at some point) is the road up through the reservation from Millburn (Paper Mill Playhouse/Glen Avenue) that crosses South Orange Avenue, Northfield Avenue, etc.

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