dano said:
First pull the plug. If it's wet, than you have flooded the engine. Pull the cord without the plug to clean everything out. Reinstall plug and see what happens. If it still wont start, try this: Get a spray can of carburetor cleaner or starting fluid. Unscrew the spark plug and shoot some cleaner liberally into the cylinder. Quickly replace the spark plug and pull the cord. If it doesn't start up after that then it is probably a good sign that you are not getting a spark. In that case I would just bring it back to HD for a replacement. I doubt that after 1 season of use that any filters are so gummed up that it would impair any air/fuel issues from happening.
Resurrecting this ancient thread to thank Dano for his post. My mower wouldn't start and after trying my usual troubleshooting methods I came here, searched, found his post and it worked like a charm.
Any time. I started reading this and thought, this Dano sounds like he knows what the hell he's talking about, until I realized it was me??? and from 8 years ago no less!
Does it have a primer bulb? If so, press it a few times and then try again...
calypso said:
I have an electric, so don't need to fuss with all the oil and gas stuff, but I always take it up to the lawnmower place on Springfield. They sharpen the blades for a very reasonable price (less than $10, as I remember it)
That place (P&P) is the go to place for mowers (and snowblowers) around here. They are very helpful and reasonable.
Seconded for P&P. My mower started and stalled out a couple of times earlier this month so we brought it in to them and a week later (its peak season for them) it was ready to be picked up. They replaced the spark plug and serviced the whole machine - blades, engine, etc. I've been bringing my mower and snowblower here for years and never had a complaint.
FilmCarp said:
read back a bit, folks. This is an 8 year old thread.
That seems to keep happening on this board ... but the topic is timely, so why not?
Blame me for the zombie thread. But I did think it would be timely for others in the same boat.
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