Kitchen renovation - temp cooktop in basement?

We're about to embark on a kitchen renovation and are thinking about setting up our temporary kitchen in the basement (very small house, dining room is also impact in renovation). We have a gas cooktop in the kitchen and wonder if we can just relocate the whole thing (with counter and base cabinet) into the basement, where there's also access to the gas line. Has anyone done this? We don't currently have a stove hood that exhausts outdoors, so not sure there would really be a difference in ventilation. But are there code issues even for something temporary?

My sense would be that it's absolutely against code ... You could probably get away with it, but, well ... I don't think it's great idea. Better to BBQ!

Perhaps an electric double burner? For example:

Or a portable gas burner, like the kind they use at hotel omelette stations (probably should have a window open when using)

For example:

We used this and our outdoor grill during our recent renovation.

Grill....but really didn't even want to do that during our reno... too many things to clean in a basement sink.

eat out, paper plates and use the grill for almost everything. Set up microwave in basement for anything you can't grill

definitely set up a temporary kitchen to save your sanity. We didn't use our old gas stove but plenty of other appliances. I think it really depends on the size of the basement, how convenient the set up is, and if there's any issue with your furnace/boiler and/or hot water heater with a gas appliance nearby, (I honestly don't know the answer to that.) FWIW, I find a toaster oven is ideal for using during a renovation. Heats up quickly. This might be more practical than a full sized oven. 

Personally, while your at it, I'd also set up an old dishwasher in the basement. 

Go for the nuwave cooktop - it works well enough to get by.  I have an extra if you want to try it.

Do not use gas in the basement, you almost certainly will not have proper ventilation

max_weisenfeld said:

Do not use gas in the basement, you almost certainly will not have proper ventilation

This. Sounds dangerous to me. 

We are just embarking on a kitchen reno, too, and our plan is to rely on Chinese takeout and pizza, our toaster/convection oven, and microwave. We will have the fridge in the dining room and use the sink in the first floor bath if we absolutely must, but it will be paper plates and plastic forks all the way. 

All great feedback! Thank you ----

I just did with a hot plate, toaster oven, and microwave for 2 months when I did it..... a BBQ does also help.

Same.  Grill outside, coffee maker and microwave (plus spare fridge) inside.  ETA: And a lot of eating out.

ctrzaska said:

Same.  Grill outside, coffee maker and microwave (plus spare fridge) inside.  ETA: And a lot of eating out.

Oh, yes. We had the coffeemaker and microwave in the dining room and just kept paper plates and bowls, plastic cups and plastic flatware within reach. Moved a recycling bin and garbage bin in there. We learned in the first week or so what we wanted to have handy.

I have no idea of its safety (tho it seems dicey) but just wouldn't go to the trouble of relocating a gas cooktop temporarily. We made do with an electric multi-cooker (like a fryer but can also boil water for pasta, vegetables, etc.), toaster-oven, rice cooker, crock-pot and microwave. We already had a fridge and sink in our basement, so honestly it wasn't too bad!  Our renovation took forever due to contractor and delivery issues, but we managed just fine with our reasonably well-equipped basement kitchen.

I have several thoughts about this:

What is "temporary"?  how long?  what happens after reno?  will temp setup remain in place?

Moving all that stuff downstairs will be a PITA.  access stairs are often too small inconvenient to work.  Where will you eat?  Schlepping food down, cooking, then up - will be a giant PITA.

Tapping a gasline isn't all that difficult, but needs to be done right!  Ventilation would be similar to your current situation.

In our circumstance I'd think outside the box(house).  an enclosed or encloseable porch or deck(everything remains on same floor).  And I'd invest in reasonable electric appliances, and extension cords to separate circuits,- appropriate for modified simple meal plans.


Having gone through several major renovations the advice here is great- keep it simple

But ultimately what was hardest on me after a while was

1. feeling like i did not have any healthy meals, so make sure to pull the right kitchenware ( ie salad bowls not just paper plates) 

2. constant dirty mess to the point i did not like having non-refrigerated food out on my makeshift counter (ie fruits and veggies).  Buy the spray veggie and fruit wash or have an area you can plastic off or something

3. very small freezer in my dorm fridge so luxuries like frozen entries and veggies and ice competed for space

bottom line if you can try to get into the mental model that you may be shopping for dinner every day 

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