Just when you thought they ran out of stupid people for Reality Shows...

"What Would Ryan Lochte Do?"

He may be a great athlete, but he's absolutely as a dumb as a stone.

metaphysician said:

"What Would Ryan Lochte Do?"

He may be a great athlete, but he's absolutely as a dumb as a stone.

You call yourself a doctor? It's proven science by Big Reality that there is an unlimited number of stupid people. Anyone suggesting we are running out has an agenda (probably communist).

I would NEVER call myself a doctor. I'd been asked if I was a physician one time too many, usually at medical conferences, so I developed the habit of answering, "no, I'm a metaphysician", which usually resulted in mildly puzzled stares and then we'd go on to more interesting topics of discussion.

Be that as it may, I've always been of the opinion that human stupidity is an inexhaustible resource, just waiting to be harnessed. It just never occurred to me that putting them on display for fun and profit (and public humiliation) qualified as such.

He's cute as hell but dumb as rocks...

Everytime I hear, or even read, the word "jeah!" I just want to slap the stupid out of him.

If you did, he'd be a totally empty shell.

On second thought any attempt of getting the stupid out of this guy would probably be an exercise in futility..
"It means, like, almost, like, everything. Like happy. Like, if you have a good swim, you say, 'Jeah.' Like, it's good. So, I guess ... it means good."

Lochte is more than stupid.  He appears to favor the lie over the truth.  Someone should look into any other creative stories that Lochte has presented in the past. It appears that Brazil has a different outlook on liars (and this is probably the first time Lochte has experienced real consequences for telling a lie and getting caught).  This incident is an important counter-balance to frequent comments in the media when an alleged victim makes outrageous statements, and in turn turn off healthy skepticism, and say  "why would a victim lie?" 

Yeah the guy is stupid. Would not leap to a conclusion about Brazil's attitude about truthfulness.   It is a pervasively corrupt country.

Total scumbag, no excuse for his behavior, especially as a representative of our country. 

Lying is bad enough. Lying and slandering others in the lie shows a massive lack of character, not just stupidity.

Between this tool and Hope Solo calling the Swedes "cowards" America may be covered in medals but not fully in glory. 

Sports guy forms microcosmic personality cult every 4 years, then feels he has a right to lie and control the narrative? You don't say

Ryan lochte has been a stupid, arrogant little s&## since we were first introduced to him. Lying the way he did was really a just a disgusting display of who he has always been. "Drunken mistake" my a$$.

conandrob240 said:

Ryan lochte has been a stupid, arrogant little s&## since we were first introduced to him. Lying the way he did was really a just a disgusting display of who he has always been. "Drunken mistake" my a$$.


there is evidence that security guards who may have appeared to be police did hold them at gun point and cajole them into paying for the damage after they vandalized a bathroom.  it is possible in their drunken stupor they were only vaguely aware of what really happened and made up the actual details.

yeah, all 3 (4?) people involved were drunk to the point of memory loss and had almost exactly the same recollection of false events. 

Why the hell does anyone care about this idiot?

Because he is an American Olympian.  Heard on news there was consideration of the 4 of them having their medals taken away.

jmitw said:

there is evidence that security guards who may have appeared to be police did hold them at gun point and cajole them into paying for the damage after they vandalized a bathroom.  it is possible in their drunken stupor they were only vaguely aware of what really happened and made up the actual details.

Actually, the translator who was working with them says there was no gun pointed at them and that they decided to pay for the damage they had done to avoid having the police summoned to the scene.

We have a real "Rashimon" situation here. Everyone has a different story, which paints them in the best light. Whom do you believe? How do you prove it? 

I believe the people who don't sound like complete and utter selfish liars and imbeciles when they speak. Lochte is a moron. 

It's not high culture enough to be like Rashomon.   More like One Night at McCool's with Matt Dillon. 

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