Itchy eyes

Anyone else having eye issues?  I don't see anything on the allergy forecast - only thing is ragweed pollen is low.  No grass or tree pollen at the moment.  Visine doesn't seem to help too much.

I’m sorry no-one else has replied, Jamie. You might also be reacting to any soot, smoke or ash in the air especially if people have wood fires/briquette fires on their decks or in their fireplaces. 
Patanol drops are brilliant for itchy eyes, particularly if you have headaches or a slightly drippy nose too. We import Patanol from the USA. Here we can only get it with a prescription (allergist, regular doc, eye doctor, optometrist). Good luck!

joanne said:

I’m sorry no-one else has replied, Jamie. You might also be reacting to any soot, smoke or ash in the air especially if people have wood fires/briquette fires on their decks or in their fireplaces. 
Patanol drops are brilliant for itchy eyes, particularly if you have headaches or a slightly drippy nose too. We import Patanol from the USA. Here we can only get it with a prescription (allergist, regular doc, eye doctor, optometrist). Good luck!

I use Pataday--brand name (olopatadine is the generic). It works really well. I use it every morning, year round: one drop in each eye. It is OTC here and the generic is cheaper, but it's still not inexpensive.

Used to use Opcon A for allergy itchy eyes.  Very helpful.

Have you changed washing detergent? Adopted a cat? Seen a doc about pinkeye?

I have an HP laptop that has Bing installed. I don’t use it as my browser but get regular updates about weather, traffic (better than Waze!), stock market… The little icon said pollen was high but said the levels are low. I don’t know who to believe by my allergies are on fleek. I do have tree allergies so it would make sense for me. 

I went from Visine AC to Zaditor and I think that was a little better.  Still have a little issue - but I think it's subsiding a little.  I will look into Pataday and Opcon A if this gets worse - thanks for the recos!

jamie said:

I went from Visine AC to Zaditor and I think that was a little better.  Still have a little issue - but I think it's subsiding a little.  I will look into Pataday and Opcon A if this gets worse - thanks for the recos!

I use Pataday.  My eye doctor recommended it.  Works great !  There are 2 types.  Once a day or twice a day.  

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