ISO Moving Boxes

If anyone has recently moved and has a set of moving boxes to pass along, we'd appreciate it.  A wardrobe box or two would come in handy, as would large amounts of bubble wrap.  TIA.

we have a set of unused large and medium boxes - orginally $80 combined. Looking to sell if you have an offer  

we have a wardrobe box with  the clothing bar if you want to pick it up in Maplewood? Just pm me

@lukeysboat - pm'ed you, thanks!

@cms78 - Thanks for the offer, but we're hoping to score some freebies

I have a whole bunch of moving boxes (no wardrobes) that we're looking to get rid of!  

@perseverance - pm'ing you! Thanks! 

I'm sorry RosieB- I was just going to pm you my details when my 5 year old burst into tears at the thought of me giving away this wardrobe box. I even had put it outside and was about to message you when he pulled it into the house, and up into his room and sat in it. he decided it is the most interesting thing to play with at the moment. So, it looks like I don't have one for you after all. Although, realistically, this box will be old news in a week... Kids...

Ha! We can totally relate since we also have little kids. Have you read the book Not a Box by Antoinette Portis? A moving wardrobe would make an excellent not-a-box.

If he does indeed lose interest and you want to try again, we are a couple weeks away from packing up the closet. Thanks. 

Ok. Great. Will let u know if/when I pry it away. In the meantime, I will look for that book!

I need some if anyone has any!

I have a lot of empty copier paper cartons at my factory in Hillside. Let me know if interested.

Yes! I will PM you later

bigben_again said:

I have a lot of empty copier paper cartons at my factory in Hillside. Let me know if interested.

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