Is this your lost dog?UPDATE Monty has his forever home!!!

I found this dog at my back dog this morning--Woodland Crescent in Montrose. No collar or tags. He is very sweet. I will have him this morning until the JAC opens. If he is yours email me with your number at


Maybe call the police dept to see if he was reported missing?

awwww....what a sweet doggie. I hope his owner finds him." width="" height="" alt="LOL" style="border:0;">

ty for posting....i couldn't figure out how to post a pic....i get an email yesterday about this dog....

Update--I took him over to the SO Police Department so they have his information. Lisa at Puppy Love--a wonderful woman! is grooming him and de fleeing him as we speak.

I took him over to Millburn Vet to have him checked out. He is a pure bred shih tzu--the vet says he is about 3 years old. I got him some flee medication and an antibiotic for his eyes--he has something called cherry eye which is an inflammation of the eye duct gland, according to the vet.

Lisa is checking on getting some shots for him and hopefully she can keep him for the next few days. He will need to be neutered at some point.

He is a wonderful dog--I drove him around this morning, he sat in the car nicely, gave the vet a kiss, and sat under my chair when I asked him to sit. He let me put a leash on and pet him without any issue.

If anyone could foster him please let me (or Lisa) know. And if we can't find his owner he will be needing a forever home. If anyone is interested in having this wonderful boy long term, email me at

ps he was at my back door, not back dog this am. this is what happens when your husband wakes you up to deal with a situation like this.

pps--vet says he looks healthy other than the tics and eye issue.

Thanks msgould - that dog has been following me and Lizzie on our nightly walks for the past two nights - but I have not seen her during the day to take her to the rescue. I couldnt bring her into the house with our pittie and our daughter would never have let us giver her away.

oh and no micro chip either--had that checked.

@mgould. You are an angel!

Sounds like the poor dog deserves a better owner, and hopefully he will end up in a great home.

Thanks Carolanne...but today's real angel is Lisa at puppy love! She's amazing ...

Another update--Lisa at Puppy Love will be keeping the dog temporarily. If anyone can foster him, or is interested in him long term, contact either Lisa or me. Thank you!

good for you msgould" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;"> Hopefully someone who can give him the love and care he needs will come along soon.

He is so cute!! I'm going to ask my husband what he thinks about fostering (since he does most of the real work involving the dogs).

@bikefixed - you should go for it!

He is a sweet dog was very playful with my pittie and not afraid of people.

Bike fixed! Keagan needs a friend, right?

A little dog,with cherry eyes, unneutered, full of fleas and mats, needs a new home, not a foster placement. Chances are he was dumped, and if not, his "owners" don't deserve to get him back because he was so neglected. I hope someone here steps up and takes him into their heart and home.

Save for the cherry eye and fleas, this situation is pretty much the same as Keegan's. We took him in and with the help of jml we got him cleaned up. The result is a dog that thinks I'm Jesus and Ms. bikefixed the Blessed Virgin Mary.

That said, the furry little doofus has been an expensive furry little doofus. Unless you guys want to get a kickstarter campaign going for him we'll probably have to pass. I don't even think we could foster him the way the house is right now.

And how did Jack react to you giving this cutie so much love and attention?" width="" height="" alt="raspberry" style="border:0;">

Awww... What a sweet dog. Hoping for a happy home for him. So sad....

Kibbe--I was clever enough to keep the lost dog in the vestibule and Jack the dog in the house. I can't imagine Jack would have been pleased to see me with another dog!" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">

Do you have a picture of him all cleaned up and beautious?

Not yet--he got his shots today, so was a bit tired when I went by to visit today. Not up for a photo shoot. I'll post something next week.

bikefixed said:


My first thought when I saw the picture of him was, "Look! Another Muppet for Bikefixed!"

I'll help you work on Ms. Bikefixed if you like." width="" height="" alt="smile" style="border:0;">

Or, failing that, maybe you could help me work on Mr. PeggyC, because I would LOVE to have a Muppet in our household. Shake up the four cats." width="" height="" alt="grrr" style="border:0;">

He DOES look like a muppet!!!

Totally reminded me of Keegan when I saw him... More of an Ewok than a muppet though, IMO...

calliope said:

A little dog,with cherry eyes, unneutered, full of fleas and mats, needs a new home, not a foster placement. Chances are he was dumped, and if not, his "owners" don't deserve to get him back because he was so neglected. I hope someone here steps up and takes him into their heart and home.

OR possibly has been missing for a while and got these things along the way. Don't discount that. You don't even know where the little guy came from. We don't know his back story and I think it's not very nice to make disparaging remarks about his owners without it. Some animals are lost for a long time and all sorts of things happen to them. Maybe his owners are looking for him, even in another town. Maybe they are heartbroken and looking for him, but don't go on MOL, or even know what it is. A lot of people look at me like I'm an alien when I say, "I read it on MOL". Just sayin'. It bothers me that people are saying such mean things about this guys owners without knowing.

The cherry eyes alone are an indication of neglect, meg. They are congenital and easily correctable.

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