Looks like PI.
If you check the main stem, the mini-branches on poison ivy are usually alternating sides.
If it was Box Elder (a common look-alike) the mini-branches would be paired (on each side coming off the main stem).
thanks all - just recovered from a bout of it - at least I know one place it possibly came from.
jamie said:
thanks all - just recovered from a bout of it - at least I know one place it possibly came from.
Note: If you walk close to that gate, shoes may have rubbed against the plant and be carrying the irritating oils. My spouse got PI one winter on his hands and wrists after wearing his gardening sneakers.
Also, as an allergic person, if you work in your garden, I suggest a strong dish detergent to wash any potential oils off after you are done. (My spouse showers with Dawn foaming dishsoap after gardening or woods. It is used to wash oil spills off birds , and cheaper and easier to use than Tecnu).
Note: A couple of months ago I reported PI to the town that was growing along the fence around Underhill. Not sure if they took care of it, but with all the rain, it seems to be growing in a lot of underbrush all over town.
We have an old thread: Poison Ivy Treatment, started March 14, 2017
Several treatments are discussed.
sprout's suggestion of using Dawn dish soap is very good. I use the regular blue stuff. Use it very generously and frequently. This turns out to be one of the best treatments for poison ivy.
And Dawn is very useful for other things. It's the best grease-cutting soap.
Tom_Reingold said:
sprout's suggestion of using Dawn dish soap is very good. I use the regular blue stuff. Use it very generously and frequently. This turns out to be one of the best treatments for poison ivy.
And Dawn is very useful for other things. It's the best grease-cutting soap.
After all of the publicity that Dawn has received, what with cleaning birds after oil spills and what-not, it’s surprising that they’ve not cornered the market.
Anyone know the pricing? Is it like Tide for laundry detergent?
@jimmurphy, Dawn is cheap. Some brands are cheaper, but I don't feel gouged when I buy Dawn. And by the way, it does not dry your hands out as some believe. It's hot water that dries your hands, not dish soap.
The small bottles of Dawn are usually sale for $.99 at CVS every few weeks. If there is a Dollar Tree near you, check there also.
Poison ivy is everywhere this year. Everywhere. I’m used to it in a garden or in the wild, but this year I have even seen it growing up out of window wells. It must like a mild, dry winter and then grow like crazy in the month of May when it’s practically drought conditions.
Yup. 100% sure. Everything about it screams PI. It's the only thing I will use poison on. I am not sensitive--which is shocking because I am about everything else--but my husband is...
Poison ivy is thriving in part due to the increase in Carbon dioxide in the air. It’s also apparently gaining potency for the same reason.
So, yay fossil fuels.
mrincredible said:
Poison ivy is thriving in part due to the increase in Carbon dioxide in the air. It’s also apparently gaining potency for the same reason.
So, yay fossil fuels.
Wow! I thought I was seeing a lot more... thought I was just being hyper-vigilant.
Could also be poison oak.
In general, take an iPhone photo of the leaves.
tap the photo of the leaves that appears on the lower, left hand side of your screen.
Then tap the circled "I" on the lower set of icons on the bottom of the screen.
Then, either tap the leaf icon. in the middle of the photo or tap "Look Up - Plant, below the photo.
You can try this right now, by taking a photo of the photo of the leaves that is posted above.
You may spray P.I. with a 30% vinegar solution available at H.D. Or, if it's young, you may take the plastic wrapper from your home delivered newspaper and make a glove out of it and pull the plant out of the ground.
DO NOT BURN THE PLANT. You would be in danger of inhaling the disbursed oil.
NOTE: There are a couple of plants that resemble poison ivy. Identify the plant before you spray or extract it from the ground.
KarenMarlowe said:
Yup. 100% sure. Everything about it screams PI. It's the only thing I will use poison on. I am not sensitive--which is shocking because I am about everything else--but my husband is...
Was gonna say the same thing. It's the only thing we use chemicals on. My wife is very sensitive to it. I'm not.
there are apps that will tell you what it most likely is...i use plant snap
Looks like poison ivy, but the one plant I've confused it with in the past is Box Elder.
If there is a main stem, Box Elder's leaflets grow's out of the stem in pairs; while Poison Ivy's leaflets alternate growing out of the stem on each side.
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