Is anyone watching "The Slap"?

Caught up with it over the weekend and I'm riveted. It really prompts people to take sides (although I find it hard to take the side of the hippie dippy parents). Zachary Quinto is amazing as Harry. Just so pleased that these many fine actors found it NOT beneath them to be on NBC. The show is outstanding.

Have you seen the original (Aussie) version? Am interested in how this compares, although not interested enough to watch it again.

Also interested I how it compares with the book. The original was quite close.

I'm watching and totally hooked. I kinda like how each episode is focused on a different character. I also like that it has an end, it's an 8 episode run right? I loved that about Grace Point too.

I had no idea it was based on an Aussie version. Grace Point was a british show. Do other countries do a lot of short run tv shows?

No, not watching. From the ads, I thought it would be too much like MOL. :-D

I confess I tuned in with low expectations but rapidly became a fan. Each episode can also serve as an instructional video for parenting skills. Just watch carefully, and be sure to do the exact opposite!

unicorn33 said:

I confess I tuned in with low expectations but rapidly became a fan. Each episode can also serve as an instructional video for parenting skills. Just watch carefully, and be sure to do the exact opposite!

Like not administering corporal punishment to others children? Not yanking your wife by the throat? Not breast feeding a child who is old enough to walk and talk himself to the fridge and get a drink? oh oh

Hugo's parents INFURIATE me. This kid is old enough to swing a bat at another child yet he needs to be calmed by breast milk? Rosie, the mom, is some type of fanatic Mommy Warrior. She and her husband clearly view all money bad money and people who are in the business world as sheep. And of course, all child discipline as boxing in children and not allowing them to be their free selves. UGH! I really want to slap Rosie and Gary!

Grab the book.
It's an award winner, written by a Melbourne guy after observing his schoolmates and how everyone was changing as kids came along over the years... A really great yarn. I won't ruin it by letting you know what 'the truth' is.

And yeah, we do a lot of short series.

I've watched the first three episodes (one behind), and it's definitely growing on me. I was really put off by the pilot because everyone was just so awful and the Updike-ian narration is a little painful and trying way too hard to be "meaningful." And the babysitter plot? Really, Hector, can you be more of a cliche?! That said, I'm glad I stuck with it. I thought the Anouk episode was especially great. Really loved how the Uma Thurman character handled everything, especially talking to Hector. And Rosie does indeed need to be slapped! Her milkmaid braids in the pilot were hilarious.

I thought the Anouk episode was very touching, esp. mother and daughter. Great acting.

Last weeks episode focusing on Menonus (sp?) the father was my fav so far. I adore this character. The scene when he dropped in on his dying friend was great directing. Also, loved the late night table talk with his wife going over their family observations.

Can't wait for tonight's episode.

Had to look at the credits to make sure that was Uma Thurman . We like it , well written . My father would be appalled. I really don't care that it's based on some Aussie version . House of Cards is a take on a British series. Episodes ( Which I think is great ) is a fictional story about a Hollywood sitcom based on a Brit show. All in the Family was based on a Brit show . And Archie's chair is in the Smithsonian .

Why would your dad be appalled? Is he of Greek descent?

Close . USN Chief Petty Officer Retired . A believer in corporal punishment , long deceased .

Wasn't this show cancelled?

mammabear said:

Wasn't this show cancelled?

I believe the decision for a second season is still up in the air. However, the ratings probably aren't high enough. And that's a real shame, because it's a fine show. I just watched the most recent (and very good) episode, and it saddened me to think that here is one more well-written show that is too "serious" for the majority of viewers to get into. Perhaps if they had put it on at a later time (and maybe given it a better title), it would have gotten more viewers. Sigh.

It is well done. Like the individual character episodes. Do not like the narrator.

Since the parties involved in the lawsuit could not reach a settlement and will go to trial, the parents of the child were told that their little boy will undergo evaluation by a psychiatrist.

Since a second season is iffy, hopefully, they will wrap it up this season (at least the legal stuff).

Originally Australian? I didn't know that. It now makes more sense why the family is Greek.

kibbegirl said:

Last weeks episode focusing on Menonus (sp?) the father was my fav so far. I adore this character. The scene when he dropped in on his dying friend was great directing. Also, loved the late night table talk with his wife going over their family observations.

Can't wait for tonight's episode.

I think it's Manolis. I liked that episode a lot and was surprised to find that the actor is a Scott.

Spock, The Bride and Agamemnon are all great.

Also, was anybody else thinking about Zachary Quinto putting his foot on Michael Nouri under the table?

I have to catch up. I saw a bit of "Connie" on demand but didn't get to finish it.

unicorn33 said:

mammabear said:

Wasn't this show cancelled?

I believe the decision for a second season is still up in the air. However, the ratings probably aren't high enough. And that's a real shame, because it's a fine show. I just watched the most recent (and very good) episode, and it saddened me to think that here is one more well-written show that is too "serious" for the majority of viewers to get into. Perhaps if they had put it on at a later time (and maybe given it a better title), it would have gotten more viewers. Sigh.

I thought it was a mini-series only.

The mother of the child that is slapped is in original Australian version as the same character.

Watched Aisha episode. She is messed up as are all the unhappy people in this series.

So you still have one more to go? Or is this one the end?

I thought there was more than one left.
Please, no spoilers.

No, no spoilers. oh oh I'm just popcorn-watching your discussions. I'll join later.

I think there are 8 episodes in total and that Aisha's episode was number 6.

Aisha's episode was pretty popcorn worthy. I still didn't see Connie's which was the episode before Aisha's but I can live with that. Connie summed up who she was in Aisha's episode. Little girls shouldn't insert themselves in adult relationships or adult situations. But back to Aisha... an affair? That was kinda a WTF moment. Didn't think she swung that way.

So interesting how the original incident leads to one thing after another... Great series.

The Connie episode was very slow moving, but I guess essential to where the rest of the series needs to go. These last two will be the trial, so that should be nicely paced.

Ken Olin (thirtysomething) directed many of the episodes.

us2inFL said:

Ken Olin (thirtysomething) directed many of the episodes.

That's really interesting. The show reminds me of Thirtysomething what with all the angsty young parents, hypersensitivity and self-awareness.

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