Invitation: Me Hair Care Club ;-)

So over here some of my friends are feeling angry and bitter about folks that refuse to get vaccinated: they haven't a clue about the dangers of the Delta strain might cause me and myfriends.  

At the same time we’re finding we’re doing more drugs, drinking more and eating like Aussie duroc pigs.  

All the fatty foods, booze, coke and opioids have had a negative impact on our most precious asset, our golden, lovely hair. Stress causes dryness, brittleness and in times of pandemic, catastrophic hair loss. 

We’re banding together for a few minutes each day, to focus on what's really important: our own personal well being and self-image. After all, why let a little thing like a global pandemic take our eyes off of, well,  ourselves? 

So, each hour, we breathe deeply and rub Crisco into our hair and chant these healing words: meee, meeee, meeeeee. into our tired, and very special hair and scalp. Who’s with us?

We’re doing this every hour on the hour You could choose the same day-times we’re doing. Let me know, and I’ll join you. 


Who’s for softer hair and a narcissistic outlook?

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