I've lost MOL PM system

I've lost access to PM system and other MOL features... like My account etc. Has this happened to others also?

What's happens when you go here?


What I've lost is all the tabs across the top of the page. Your link brought me to the PM list, but still don;t have the my account tab- i.e. my discussions; bookmarks etc. I just have a wide black header titled, "Maplewood Online" on the left and 3 horizontal bars on the right.

Are you on a mobile device - what happens when you hit the three horizontal bars - and then your name?

Oh, that is really weird. I don't see the stuff at the top either. And I'm on a laptop. Can't find the option for PM, but apart from that I couldn't really tell you what's different. I haven't really memorized how the screen looked before. But I do know it's different, that stuff is missing from the view I usually get. Huh.

Can someone submit a screenshot?

jamie said:
Can someone submit a screenshot?

I pulled it up on my iphone. The three bars are there and everything is listed when I hit them.

This is what happened here. The desktop of my laptop changed overnight. The task bar, which is usually along the bottom of the screen, was stacked vertically on the left. Whatever caused that to happen seems to have knocked out my access to the MOL features.

Everything was OK on my iPad. Just found out how to return task bar to its usual position and everything is now OK.

And now it's back. Wow, that was weird. But now I am on the iPad.

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