I hope everyone is taking notes

because we are witnessing how a tyranny develops.

There will be a quiz.

It doesn't have to be official, but perhaps a simple 10 threads on the same subject per poster per week limit could be observed.

I'm sorry. It is the biggest crisis of my lifetime. Yours too actually.

Anyway, ya don't have to open anything.

You need some serious help.

anyhoo, here are the people I'll be fighting in the streets, while you guys Netflix.

drummerboy said:

I'm sorry. It is the biggest crisis of my lifetime. Yours too actually.

Anyway, ya don't have to open anything.

I'm with you : (

you can be engaged and opposed without acting like a lunatic.

and why am I a lunatic? Because I see what's happening and you don't?

conandrob240 said:

you can be engaged and opposed without acting like a lunatic.

more data! Trump's popularity on the rise after 3 weeks of a g-d sh!tshow!!

America is liking it. Lookit these ratings!

I'm feeling pretty good about that. How 'bout you guys?

I'm not too worried about a small uptick. Just wait till he destroys Medicare. I predict 27% favorability.

This IS a crisis. It's hard for a lot of people to see it, and I understand that. It is inconceivable to almost everyone that our democracy is not guaranteed to last. It's like a small child not being able to imagine her parents dying. It's inconceivable. The brain cannot uptake such a thing. Same with the death of our democracy. For those who have never considered it before.


drummerboy said:

I'm sorry. It is the biggest crisis of my lifetime. Yours too actually.

Anyway, ya don't have to open anything.

Dude, you still have room for one more thread this week before you hit your limit.

NPR had an interesting interview this morning with Ryan Holiday, the author of Trust Me, I'm Lying. One of his points was that the demonstrations of outrage in response to shock jocks like Milo Yiannopoulos strengthen them. A better response would be to let him speak to a largely empty auditorium with no response whatsoever. This is also true of some responses to Trump. Respond with humor (the Bowling Green Massacre or SNL) and, by all means, respond with legal action where appropriate. But maybe a little less righteous outrage.

Unfortunately, the graph does not show a "small uptick". It shows a steady rise since the inauguration.

shoshannah said:

I'm not too worried about a small uptick. Just wait till he destroys Medicare. I predict 27% favorability.

This IS a crisis. It's hard for a lot of people to see it, and I understand that. It is inconceivable to almost everyone that our democracy is not guaranteed to last. It's like a small child not being able to imagine her parents dying. It's inconceivable. The brain cannot uptake such a thing. Same with the death of our democracy. For those who have never considered it before.

hey, you know, it's a process. Of course some anti-Trump reactions are going to have pro-Trump responses.

It's the nature of the game.

However, in the case of Milo, the problem is that it wouldn't be a "largely empty" auditorium. He's a very popular assh0le. So I wonder about Ryan Holiday's acumen.

And Bowling Green? With all due respect, that, you just don't get It's clear that BG is part of their gaslight strategy. She said it at least 3 frigging times. They're talking to their supporters when they say crazy stuff like this. And, their supporters are listening and believing it.

Look at the graph above. 51% are citing the BGM as a thing. I don't understand why that one fact is not enough to light someone's hair on fire.

I'm not saying righteous outrage is the strategy for the gaslighting. It's not. But humor, while amusing to us, will not help one iota.

tjohn said:

NPR had an interesting interview this morning with Ryan Holiday, the author of Trust Me, I'm Lying. One of his points was that the demonstrations of outrage in response to shock jocks like Milo Yiannopoulos strengthen them. A better response would be to let him speak to a largely empty auditorium with no response whatsoever. This is also true of some responses to Trump. Respond with humor (the Bowling Green Massacre or SNL) and, by all means, respond with legal action where appropriate. But maybe a little less righteous outrage.

I think the stress of being about to turn 60 is weighing on DB. So lets all wish him a happy birthday this coming week.

wait. how did you know that?

anyway, turning 60 is the least of my nightmares.

Gilgul said:

I think the stress of being about to turn 60 is weighing on DB. So lets all wish him a happy birthday this coming week.

conandrob240 said:

You need some serious help.

He doesn't.

The lunacy is when 51% of his supporters believe he should have the right to overturn judges Dear Leader disagrees with.

Allowing that defines tyranny - the arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power.

keep sounding the alarm, but maybe consider using the form of the famous "GOP20xx" thread, one thread with changing titles to reflect the latest abuse.

I wouldn't put too much stock in that. Look at the variation around the averages. There isn't a single point where he has a higher favorability score since the travel ban than before. The average is increasing because there is one very low score of 35% just after inauguration day which has probably fallen out of the current average. And his unfavorability is just as high as ever.

Anyone who is trying to paint this as Trump gaining in popularity is trying to spin you.

drummerboy said:

more data! Trump's popularity on the rise after 3 weeks of a g-d sh!tshow!!

America is liking it. Lookit these ratings!

I'm feeling pretty good about that. How 'bout you guys?

drummerboy said:

more data! Trump's popularity on the rise after 3 weeks of a g-d sh!tshow!!

America is liking it. Lookit these ratings!

I'm feeling pretty good about that. How 'bout you guys?

Given that the majority of America (at least according to both of the two major polls I saw) favors some temporary restriction on immigration, this shouldn't at all be so shocking to you.

maybe, but I don't take solace in your explanation.

One would hope that after three weeks of daily lies and chaos, that his popularity would be going down rather dramatically. The rise may be less dramatic if you remove the outliers, but the fact is that his popularity is rising.

That is quite worrisome to me.

ml1 said:

I wouldn't put too much stock in that. Look at the variation around the averages. There isn't a single point where he has a higher favorability score since the travel ban than before. The average is increasing because there is one very low score of 35% just after inauguration day which has probably fallen out of the current average. And his unfavorability is just as high as ever.

Anyone who is trying to paint this as Trump gaining in popularity is trying to spin you.
drummerboy said:

more data! Trump's popularity on the rise after 3 weeks of a g-d sh!tshow!!

America is liking it. Lookit these ratings!

I'm feeling pretty good about that. How 'bout you guys?

except I find that so many people favor restrictions shocking in and of itself.

Half the country is scared for no reason. That is worrisome, don't you think?

ctrzaska said:

drummerboy said:

more data! Trump's popularity on the rise after 3 weeks of a g-d sh!tshow!!

America is liking it. Lookit these ratings!

I'm feeling pretty good about that. How 'bout you guys?

Given that the majority of America (at least according to both of the two major polls I saw) favors some temporary restriction on immigration, this shouldn't at all be so shocking to you.

I'm not saying that either shouldn't be worrisome. I AM saying I'm hardly surprised by it and I don't think anyone else ought to be either. Want to whip this country into a ball of support for Trump? Wait for an attack, then bomb the hell out of someone. His ratings will skyrocket (if not also vindicate his position no matter the country ultimately behind it or fostering it).

yeah, you don't get it.

They don't want to bomb the hell out of someone. They couldn't care less about terrorism, except as a tool of fear mongering. (I mean, I'm sure they will attack someone militarily. But that's just for effect.)

They want to "bomb" us. It's us that will suffer from his response to a terrorist attack.

You think the Patriot Act was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet.

ctrzaska said:

I'm not saying that either shouldn't be worrisome. I AM saying I'm hardly surprised by it and I don't think anyone else ought to be either. Want to whip this country into a ball of support for Trump? Wait for an attack, then bomb the hell out of someone. His ratings will skyrocket (if not also vindicate his position no matter the country ultimately behind it or fostering it).

so other than the endless posts, what have you DONE, drummerboy? And do you have recommended actions to share?

I have a few friends on FB who equal your "vigor" from a posting perspective but they are also constantly posting the things they've done and ways others can get involved.

I didn't say they wanted to bomb anyone, or would go out of their way for it, only that they would if given the chance. None of this is being done for approval ratings, but since you were the one hanging his hat on the topic of ratings, I mention it as you clearly haven't seen anything yet. And when they skyrocket after an event, you can look back here and pause before you put up a thread in disbelief of the polling data.

There is nothing in the chart you cited that leads to the conclusion that Trump is becoming more popular

drummerboy said:

maybe, but I don't take solace in your explanation.

One would hope that after three weeks of daily lies and chaos, that his popularity would be going down rather dramatically. The rise may be less dramatic if you remove the outliers, but the fact is that his popularity is rising.

That is quite worrisome to me.

ml1 said:

I wouldn't put too much stock in that. Look at the variation around the averages. There isn't a single point where he has a higher favorability score since the travel ban than before. The average is increasing because there is one very low score of 35% just after inauguration day which has probably fallen out of the current average. And his unfavorability is just as high as ever.

Anyone who is trying to paint this as Trump gaining in popularity is trying to spin you.
drummerboy said:

more data! Trump's popularity on the rise after 3 weeks of a g-d sh!tshow!!

America is liking it. Lookit these ratings!

I'm feeling pretty good about that. How 'bout you guys?

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