How To Park Like a Tool

How To Park Like a Tool:

1. By ridiculous looking ass-heavy SUV monstrosity thing

2. Park it like a tool

3. ????

4. Profit!!!!!!

How To Park Like A Tool, Part 2:

1. Or just buy a low end sedan and repeat steps 2-4.

(Probably not helped by the tool who parked to the left with one ridiculous looking SUV wheel over the line).

P.S. Despite my crankiness, I am not, in fact, ligeti OR akishima.

The car next to them could have forced this, but then it left leaving the last one to look like the culprit.

Unless he fed the meter for both 306 & 307, the tool deserves a nice ticket.

305 is not such an expert.

We noticed the very same thing tonight...tool was not exactly the word that came to mind!" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">

dave said:

The car next to them could have forced this, but then it left leaving the last one to look like the culprit.

I have experienced this...

To be (un)fair to all involved, since this is how I found these cars, I have no idea if 305 (in the lower pic) forced the Altima over, or if the Altima parked first and 305 took advantage of the extra wheelroom.

As I walked back to my vehicle, I saw two separate cars wheel about to pull into the seeming spot next to ass-tastic BMW and screech to a halt when they realized there was only 3/4 of a spot. It would be deliciously ironic if the BMW got its rear bashed in precisely because of its ass-tastic parking job (albeit unfortunate for the basher).

I have printed up selfadhesive labels with 'Congratulations - You win the prize for the days worst parking'.

Is it appropriate to reward these selfcentered dorks with one on the windshield?

Good. If anyone complains, I will tell them that I got permission from ctrzaska.

tomcat said:

I have printed up selfadhesive labels with 'Congratulations - You win the prize for the days worst parking'.

Is it appropriate to reward these selfcentered dorks with one on the windshield?

Only if you make day's possessive. Why stick something that's incorrect?

All you need is a piece chalk!

I don't think an Altima is a "Low end" sedan. I think it's a frugal choice.

JGM said:

All you need is a piece chalk!


justgotlaidoff said:

I don't think an Altima is a "Low end" sedan. I think it's a frugal choice.

Those terms aren't mutually exclusive.

@JGM" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)" width="" height="" alt="snake" style="border:0;">" width="" height="" alt="snake" style="border:0;">

Now there's going to be a rash of chalkings around town." width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">

justgotlaidoff said:

I don't think an Altima is a "Low end" sedan. I think it's a frugal choice.

Nu judgement. You should see the Ratmobile... it needs a new distributor*. I ended up getting a lot of walking exercise the day I found that out.

*the fact that the Ratmobile *has* a distributor should clue you in to how low-end it is.

ctrzaska said:

justgotlaidoff said:

I don't think an Altima is a "Low end" sedan. I think it's a frugal choice.

Those terms aren't mutually exclusive.

Its fine if you don't mind driving around in japanese aluminum.

I think this is definitely my new favorite MOL thread. Even funnier than the camel/hump day commercial, I think! Please keep those pics coming...(Probably won't be too difficult!)

case said:

ctrzaska said:

justgotlaidoff said:

I don't think an Altima is a "Low end" sedan. I think it's a frugal choice.

Those terms aren't mutually exclusive.

Its fine if you don't mind driving around in japanese aluminum.

Altimas are made in the USA, Shadowhawk.

Nissan is based in Japan, loser-boy... and while I know the simple minded solution to your Shadowhawk question is to blame me, well... keep guessing!" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)

When someone parks like that, I park my car in the next space within the lines so it's extremely for the bad parker to get into his car. So far, my car hasn't been keyed, but it's just a matter of time.

Check out this picture I just shot of a parking lot near where I now live (Manhattan). We don't mess around here!

case said:

Nissan is based in Japan, loser-boy...

Right. And Credit Suisse is "based" in Zurich. You've no doubt quite the flair for cartography, In addition to your many other talents.

justgotlaidoff said:

case said:

ctrzaska said:

justgotlaidoff said:

I don't think an Altima is a "Low end" sedan. I think it's a frugal choice.

Those terms aren't mutually exclusive.

Its fine if you don't mind driving around in japanese aluminum.

Altimas are made in the USA, Shadowhawk.

Actually no. Nissan USA who has a very large plant in Smyrna TN but that is only an Assembly plant. All the parts are coming from Japan and I am a stickler for that because I work with pride for a "Made in America" company. Assembling a product here in the US with parts produced in foreign countries IS NOT A "Made in America" product. A friend of mine works for Nissan USA in Smyrna and all parts including the tools they use to assemble the car are "made in Japan".

Nissan USA does however employ a lot of Tennesseans.

They pay your friend in Yen down there?

justgotlaidoff said:

They pay your friend in Yen down there?

Ha ha! Busted!

Ok ok. Altimas are kinda made in the USA.

justgotlaidoff said:

They pay your friend in Yen down there?

No but "Made in America" means manufactured and not assembled. There is a big difference my dear and Smyrna TN is strictly an assembly plant.

ridski said:

justgotlaidoff said:

They pay your friend in Yen down there?

Ha ha! Busted!

Why busted? I simply corrected a false statement. Nissan does not manufacture cars in the US. It assembles them here. I have no horse in this race other then the fact that I bust my hump working for a REAL USA manufacturer.

justgotlaidoff said:

Ok ok. Altimas are kinda made in the USA.

Traditionally, the Commission has required that a product advertised as Made in USA be "all or virtually all" made in the U.S.

Which is why Nissan USA can't put the "Made in America" stamp on it's product which they would love to do because "Made in America" is making a huge comeback.

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