Happy Electoral College Day!

Vermont's Electors have voted. Joe has 3 votes so far.

(The final votes from Hawaii will be cast at 7 pm EST.)

Add New Hampshire's four electoral votes to Biden's total! 

I'm following this on Scott Dworkin's Twitter feed:


Less than an hour until the Electoral College starts to vote! https://t.co/zaerXDCjXj

— Scott Dworkin (@funder) December 14, 2020 " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Less than an hour until the Electoral College starts to vote! https://t.co/zaerXDCjXj

— Scott Dworkin (@funder) December 14, 2020

Illinois now adds their 20 for 27 so far.

Meanwhile, little neo-Nazi rat-faced f*cker feeds the fantasies at the Fox News "White Power Morning Show". 

The electoral votes keep adding up. Biden is up to 156.

Delaware, Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, Rhode Island and Arizona have all cast their votes. 

Minnesota has voted. 166.

I have been around a while and have watched Presidential Elections since 1960, Never before have I seen news coverage of the Electoral vote State by State or anything about what time any States' electors vote. If the News covers the Electoral College Vote on the day of the vote at  at all, it is a very minor item.

As Stephen Miller says - the votes cast today don't matter.  Which cases in the courts is he talking about?  

STANV said:

I have been around a while and have watched Presidential Elections since 1960, Never before have I seen news coverage of the Electoral vote State by State or anything about what time any States' electors vote. If the News covers the Electoral College Vote on the day of the vote at  at all, it is a very minor item.

 That's because America is in the toilet.

wabbit said:

As Stephen Miller says - the votes cast today don't matter.  Which cases in the courts is he talking about?  

 Whoops - this post was mine - was logged in to my testing account.

STANV said:

I have been around a while and have watched Presidential Elections since 1960, Never before have I seen news coverage of the Electoral vote State by State or anything about what time any States' electors vote. If the News covers the Electoral College Vote on the day of the vote at  at all, it is a very minor item.


I expect the January 6th Congressional counting and approval will be heavily covered as well. And I barely knew that was a thing before this year.

I'm curious to know, when Steve Millar says "WE are going to send those results to Congress" -who the F_CK is the "We" he is talking about and from what planet?

Also, can I send "results" too?

CNN is covering the electors' vote like it was election night.

Plus, how come they always say "there was no widespread fraud" in the election?

I'm sorry, was there any fraud in the election? Why imply otherwise?

I hate these people.

Well, one person a couple of towns over apparently returned her partner's absentee ballot even though the partner had died before election day (and before the ballot was returned).  A couple of elections back, we had a guy who voted (Republican, as it happens) in 4 or 5 places in one election.  Presumably, there are a few incidents like this in any biggish election.  But probably not in any quantity that even comes close to changing the outcome. 

I think CNN is right to qualify their "no" here, but i'd rather they said no amount that could affect the outcome, or something like that but better, rather than even using the word "widespread," which just puts that notion into people's minds....

we already have rogue electors WTF!

oots said:

we already have rogue electors WTF!

 really? I bet Wolf Blitzer is having a fit!

steel said:

I'm curious to know, when Steve Millar says "WE are going to send those results to Congress" -who the F_CK is the "We" he is talking about and from what planet?

Also, can I send "results" too?

 Why not? You are as entitled to do so as is Miller, perhaps even more so. 

Is this statement by Miller not a manifestation of mental illness. He sees people who do not exist. 

There are groups of Republican electors who claim that by getting together and casting their ballots for Trump they are leaving open a pathway to victory for him if Congress accepts their ballots and not the duly elected Electors.

The problem they face is that nobody has authorized them to do so.  If the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin wanted to do so, they could try. That could be a mess.  But they haven't and show no intention of doing so.

nohero said:

Meanwhile, little neo-Nazi rat-faced f*cker feeds the fantasies at the Fox News "White Power Morning Show". 

Translation: we need the money to keep coming in until Jan 20. Don't be surprised if by January they will come up with another legal milestone, a few months out, that will prolong fundraising.

With California contributing its 55 electoral votes, Biden wins. Again!

so not a rogue elector but an “uncertified “ elector- whatever that is or means?

so what can still go wrong going forward?

(what me worry)?

oots said:

so not a rogue elector but an “uncertified “ elector- whatever that is or means?

so what can still go wrong going forward?

(what me worry)?

 All of the official electors voted for the candidate they were elected to vote for. No faithless electors.

The uncertified electors claim to have cast ballots, but no government entity has authorized them to do so. This is kind of a "rubber meets the road" moment for the Republican legislators who have been making noise about supporting Trump in his efforts to stop his election loss. All the posturing so far has had little actual chance of overturning the election. On the other hand if the state legislature of Michigan convened a special session to empanel their own preferred set of Electors? That would be serious and could potentially undermine the results (if a few other states did the same thing). I'm not sure those legislatures want to go there, and many of those legislators would probably pay a steep political price for actually casting a real vote to disenfranchise their own constituents. 

nohero said:

Meanwhile, little neo-Nazi rat-faced f*cker feeds the fantasies at the Fox News "White Power Morning Show". 

 " If you just cure 3 simple defects in the Constitution, Donald Trump is the winner of this election."  Hey guys, while you're at it I'll be you could find a lot more than 3.  

Remember the other day the term "safe harbor" was used, to describe the milestone that day?  Under Federal law, on that day the electors who are recognized as being official electors are all "safe harbored", for purpose of recognition by the Federal government.

The law was passed to prevent (you guessed it) two sets of electors sending votes to Washington.

So however many princess tea parties the GOP holds in those states, they're only pretend and those electors aren't really going to find their prince.

Listening to Biden speak now. He's laying it out pretty bluntly.

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