unicorn33 said:
We may have a shower chair in our attic. Do you still need it?
Thanks Uni but I think I am set on the shower chair . Still need a wheel chair if someone has one!
Contact your health insurance company. They may be able to rent a wheel chair for you if one is needed. That is how I obtained a wheel chair to use when I had my accident.
Thanks Joan, but I need to get to the surgeon tomorrow and am worried about the distance from the car to the office. Just called them and they have no idea how far it is to the office from the front door. Sheesh! "I never measured!" You'd think an orthopedic surgeon's office would be aware of this problem.
librarylady said:
Thanks Joan, but I need to get to the surgeon tomorrow and am worried about the distance from the car to the office. Just called them and they have no idea how far it is to the office from the front door. Sheesh! "I never measured!" You'd think an orthopedic surgeon's office would be aware of this problem.
FFS, what an idiot!
Contacts the Elks in South Orange. They have lots of wheelchairs and other similar such that they loan out. Not sure they'll have a nice lightweight one, but it's worth asking! They were amazing when a friend of mine needed help a couple of years ago.
I have a nice portable wheelchair. Do you have someone who can pick it up from my house? (Near downtown SO.) I'm out of town so can't deliver, but I have someone who can bring it up from the basement and put it outside.
Second the suggestion to contact the Elks.
If someone is going with you to the doctor's appointment, perhaps they could go ahead while you sit in the car and borrow a wheel chair from the doctor's office to transport you to/from their premises and while you are in the office. (Call ahead to see if this is possible.) We did this when Bernie was barely able to move, prior to his hospitalization and it worked very well.
If you haven't already, apply for a temporary handicapped parking placard at your police station. Doctor will have to full out part of the application so see if you can get one to bring with you to the doctor's appointment. This will enable the vehicle you are riding in to park closer to the door of the doctor's office or anywhere else you might be going, parking space permitting.
Have you checked with the town? I have heard that the health department (in Maplewood at least) has wheelchairs available for residents to borrow.
I have a shower chair I picked up when Kimi had a foot injury recently. I'll be happy to loan it to you. Drop it by today? Or can your husband or daughter come pick it up?
have you asked the cruise line if they can provide a shower chair? They may even have a wheelchair you can use on board the ship. if it is a US based cruise, they likely have to accommodate disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This looks like a shower stool can be provided, although they usually require more notice, they likely can manage with less notice.
If the cruise line can provide the shower chair, that is one less thing for you to haul.
The Unique thrift stores sell them from time to time.
jmitw said:
have you asked the cruise line if they can provide a shower chair? They may even have a wheelchair you can use on board the ship. if it is a US based cruise, they likely have to accommodate disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This looks like a shower stool can be provided, although they usually require more notice, they likely can manage with less notice.
If the cruise line can provide the shower chair, that is one less thing for you to haul.
The Unique thrift stores sell them from time to time.
No cruise for me . Seeing the surgeon tomorrow to read the MRI and discuss options..Doc said NO TRAVEL!
Thank you all for your kind and generous offers. MrDr.LL is out now picking up some of the chairs and LilMissLL will be here for the weekend to take care of me instead of cruising the Caribbean. Great family and friends.
Sorry, kiddo! But your health and well-being is more important. The Caribbean will still be there when you are ready for it!
Docs can't force you to stay home, if you can manage..and want to...go on the trip...if doc has a problem with it find a new doc.
People travel in wheelchairs all the time.
I have had many docs tell me I was fine and had no restrictions when obviously I wasn't fine....
I had one doc tell me I needed to have restrictions when I was able to function fine.
It is whatever you feel comfortable with..as long as you aren't postponing any necessary surgery
It would be foolish to go on the trip when the extent of the damage hasn't been determined yet. And a surgeon has already been consulted, so I'm not sure why you are telling her to ignore her doctors' advice and go anyway. Not really your place to make that judgment call.
Agree with Peggy. There will be other cruises. Getting an accurate diagnosis and beginning treatment are most important just now. LL: Did you get both the wheel chair and the shower chair you needed?
I am told by Mr. Zucca that if it is, indeed, a ruptured Achilles tendon, his understanding is that it needs to be dealt with in a timely manner, before the tendon contracts, so I concur with Peggy and Joan. Good luck to you, LL, and if there's anything we can help with, please let me know.
Thanks everyone./ Canceled the trip and got the two chairs. Surgeon and MRI results tomorrow. It'll be four days from the accident by the time I see the doc. Hope we can avoid surgery but waiting for the complete diagnosis. Wish me luck!
Best of luck today. Hoping for minimal treatment resulting in speedy and maximum healing/return of function. Please keep us informed. Glad you were able to get both chairs you need. This will make things so much easier while you await the diagnosis.
joan_crystal said:
Best of luck today. Hoping for minimal treatment resulting in speedy and maximum healing/return of function. Please keep us informed. Glad you were able to get both chairs you need. This will make things so much easier while you await the diagnosis.
What Joan said. Hang in there!
Just called the doc to confirm he received the MRI report that I had Monday at 8 pm at the ACC. Promised 24-48 hour turnaround . NOPE , no report!. Called MRI place and it hadn't been read yet. She said to call back in two hours and she'd she what she can do..I'm near hystericallllllllllll
Calm down. What is, is. You will get the report as soon as it is ready and then you will have a clearer idea of what you are facing. Hang in there!
joan_crystal said:
Calm down. What is, is. You will get the report as soon as it is ready and then you will have a clearer idea of what you are facing. Hang in there!
Thanks Joan but without the report the surgeon can't decide what needs to be done. I managed to get a 1Pm appt for today but if I don't have a report he won't see me and I don't know when he can prayers that they get it read in time
Does he have to see you during an appointment to tell you what the report said and what he recommends? I would think that could be done in a phone call, but I'm not a surgeon.
Why not call the surgeon's office and ask them if there are alternatives if the report doesn't get there before your appointment?
Meanwhile, try to think positively. I know it's difficult when things don't happen just right, but there isn't much else you can do.
thanks Peg but he delayed making my appointment till after the MRI sounded like he needed it along with the physical exam my ortho examined me on Monday and his experienced hands said it was bad but really needed a MRI fingers crossed still have 2 hours to have it read and sent over
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48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
Less than a week before my scheduled cruise with LilMissLL, I fell and probably ruptured my Achilles tendon (I'll know more tomorrow when I get the MRI report and see the orthopedic surgeon)
I can't put any pressure on the leg at all.A dear friend has already loaned me a walker and crutches. Before I rent/buy them, does anyone have a shower chair and/or lightweight wheel chair to borrow for a while?. Or can someone point me in the right direction to an agency perhaps that loans them out?
I'll buy them new if necessary but I hopefully won't need them for a very long time.
Thanks so much