gas meter

Has anyone else received a phone message, allegedly from PSEG, seeking to make an appointment to replace a gas meter? Is this legit? What should I do?

May be legit. They are (very) slowly replacing gas meters with newer ones which can be read remotely.

Yes, just had mine replaced the same way.

There was a freeze on meter replacements in 2014 and early 2015. We had to request replacement several times before they came to do it. (ours was not working correctly) When the service person came, it was less than an hour and he told us that they were backed up due to inventory.

Would not surprise me that they are trying to catch up. The nice thing with the new ones is that they can be read remotely from the street.

ace11 said:
Yes, just had mine replaced the same way.

We did, too. We have been trying to get it done for years -- have had the new electric meter for some time. finally don't have to let them into the house.

Make the appointment, make sure you see some ID when they arrive. Takes less than 1/2 hour.

Unfortunately my electric meter is still in my basement. So they still have to come inside.

ace11 said:
Unfortunately my electric meter is still in my basement. So they still have to come inside.

Call customer service and see if you can get on the replacement list for the electric meter, too.

FWIW, the technician who does gas cannot do electric, and so it will have to be two visits.

I happened to speak with a PSE&G guy today and he said to put the word out that if you have an older meter to call and request a new remote read one. He also said they are no longer charging for the remote read meters like they were in the past since PSE&G now wants everyone to have them.

I will be making that call first thing tomorrow AM.

I've called a couple of times and they said that I couldn't call to request it ... just have to wait until they get to me. Sigh!

The PSEG meter reader told me just this morning that I should call to request a meter that can be read remotely, although he seemed to indicate that there was some kind of backlog on this request. My (inside) meter had not been read by PSEG in 11 months, although I work from home so am usually around on the days that they are supposed to read the meter.

Well, I just called and was told that the remote metres are going out at random and couldn't be requested, even if they are constantly warning you about needing to get into the house. From my perspective, no surprises and no changes except that they picked up the phone in record time.

fed123 said:
Well, I just called and was told that the remote metres are going out at random and couldn't be requested, even if they are constantly warning you about needing to get into the house. From my perspective, no surprises and no changes except that they picked up the phone in record time.

That's exactly what I was told a couple of months ago. I am not impressed with their approach on this at all. I already got my second remote water meter from NJAWC recently. (Got the first one on request many years ago and they recently contacted me to let me know that it was due for replacement/upgrade.) Seems like PSE&G ought to be able to do it if American Water can.

I was told that if you have been getting estimated readings for over a year you get priority. Stop letting the meter readers in.

norman said:
I was told that if you have been getting estimated readings for over a year you get priority. Stop letting the meter readers in.

Nice ... NOT!

norman said:
I was told that if you have been getting estimated readings for over a year you get priority. Stop letting the meter readers in.

That's what I did. Worked great.

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