Well, we'll know it's fixed when you can change the comma at the end of your sentence into a period. (And we'll know it's not fixed if you're whole post goes blank instead).
I always want to edit my posts... so I'll be tempting fate by posting this, and seeing if I can just let it stand.
OK, here we go... I'm about to live dangerously.... and... click [REPLY]
I probably should remove the comma after "this".
See you tomorrow...
Thank you for the warning. I almost always proof my posts after they are entered and then edit to correct the type-os. Here's hoping spelling and grammar check work in the interim. Still, there is nothing to be done about dropped words unfortunately.
jamie said:
It’s working now. (Test)
Yes it is. With heart in mouth, I edited a post a couple of hours ago, and was pleasantly relieved to find the edit took.
First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
If you edit a comment - it will delete everything upon saving. We will try to fix this ASAP - sorry for the bug,