Eagle Chick Hatching 3/17/2016 morning

We have been watching eagles sitting on a nest with a couple of eggs at http://dceaglecam.eagles.org/ it looks like one is hatching this morning.  One of the eggs has a hole in it.

"This is a wild eagle nest and anything can happen. While we hope that two healthy juvenile eagles will end up fledging from the nest this summer, things like sibling rivalry, predators, and natural disaster can affect this eagle family and may be difficult to watch." looks like a big crack on one egg, smaller crack on the other!

Updated.  We have a baby eaglet in the nest and an unhatched egg.  They are predicting a hatching of the next egg within a day or two based on when the eggs were laid.  The adults regularly switch off on the parental duties with one keeping the egg and chick warm while the other goes off to get fish.

We put this up on our big screen TV since it is better than anything else on television.  Strange, the cat no longer sits back there staring at the birds in the feeder.

The eagle mate came at about 5:30 and changed the guard, then sitting parent fed the chick, who quickly fell asleep. parent appears to be sleeping. This is sooooo much better than Republican politricks,

Having catfish for lunch.

I loved watching Mama feeding baby last night. Like human babies, this chick was rarely satisfied, and kept reaching up for more food, even after Mama had snuggled down for the night. No sooner did her eyes start to glaze and close, did baby dearest obviously started rustling down below, causing her to get up once again and try to calm the baby. At one point the chick had its fuzzy little wings wrapped gently around the huge parental talons. Mama seemed to know how to enfold the delicate baby in those scissor hands without doing any damage. Then, after a giant yawn, and fluffing up the grasses of her nest to bouy   up her tired body, she went to "sleep."

About an hour ago I saw a feeding and sticking out of the egg was a tiny little beak.  Baby number 2 should be here within a day.

At the moment, mama looks serene, and most of a fish carcass is still there in case anyone needs a snack.

Two babies in the nest now! 

This is really cool.  Thanks.  It's a little like watching The Truman Show, only with eagles.

I liked seeing it on the news last night on the big screen.

She's feeding the chicks right now!  So cute.

Thanks so much for posting this! My kids LOVED watching over the weekend (and so did I!)

feeding the babies right now

And then there's Pale Male.

The branch is blowing in the wind now.

This morning, I saw one of the parents feeding the chicks. They seem to eat often. They stand up while eating, and they fall down readily. They're so wobbly.

jmo said:

Thanks so much for posting this! My kids LOVED watching over the weekend (and so did I!)


The eagles at Duke Farms just laid their eggs: http://dukefarms.org/eaglecam

feeding time http://dceaglecam.eagles.org/

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