Drivers and Left Turns

Has everyone forgotten how to safely make a left turn?  At least once or twice a week (and again this morning!) I have had a near head-on collision with someone making a very narrow left turn squarely into the on-coming lane of traffic of the street they were turning onto.  

I see this often, especially off Dunnell (from the north) making the left onto Oakland. 

Has anyone else noticed or experienced this or am I just "lucky?"

Seems people are just driving worse in general, that's why someone plowed into the back of me at a stop light and totalled my car last month.

You are right about left turns (ha ha), people always cut the corner and look surprised when they find a car in front of them, and half of them act like it's your fault.  We won't even mention those who make illegal left/u-turns to get into parking spaces in Maplewood Village.

fillyboy64 said:
Has everyone forgotten how to safely make a left turn?  At least once or twice a week (and again this morning!) I have had a near head-on collision with someone making a very narrow left turn squarely into the on-coming lane of traffic of the street they were turning onto.  
I see this often, especially off Dunnell (from the north) making the left onto Oakland. 

Has anyone else noticed or experienced this or am I just "lucky?"

 They may be heading for the Gas Station and forget that there may be oncoming traffic. They have their head in the clouds or someplace else.

Agreed on left turns.  I'm also amazed at how signaling to turn or change lanes is now optional.  I see this constantly, including on highways, where cars weave in and out of lanes like a video game.

The worst is when they make a left turn from the right lane to block anyone going around them. It's their world, we just live in it.

Ever since I moved to NJ 30+ years ago, I marveled at the sense of entitlement of NJ drivers when it comes to the "Jersey Left" ... It seems to be the norm here, so you just kinda have to expect it if you are the oncoming traffic.  

I think everyone should have to retake the written test every three years, and the road test every six years.  I just followed someone westbound through the s curves who spent the entire trip in the shoulder.

FilmCarp said:
I think everyone should have to retake the written test every three years, and the road test every six years.  I just followed someone westbound through the s curves who spent the entire trip in the shoulder.

 Maybe they're still living in the time when it used to be two lanes through there?  Still no excuse though, really.

No, it's sloppy driving.  I see it all the time there.  Just drifting all over the road 

Sloppy, or inconsiderate, call it what you like.  Having driven extensively in both Louisiana and Indiana on business travel, in both of those states other drivers go out their way to make it easier for you (to merge, turn or whatever).  NJ drivers just don't give a ....

Back to NJ.  On Monday evening a visitor from FL barrelled through a STOP sign in Newark doing at least 35 MPH.  I braked very hard and almost avoided hitting him, but not quite.  $2600 worth of damage to my van. 

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