Does anyone recognize this or what it says?

This is an interesting piece of jewelry we can’t identify. Google suggested that it might be a Tibetan Hindu prayer/healing cuff. 

mrincredible said:

This is an interesting piece of jewelry we can’t identify. Google suggested that it might be a Tibetan Hindu prayer/healing cuff. 

is it made of three different metals? looks like the Om Mani Padme Hum, written in Sanskrit script. 

this is the Om Mani Padme Hum which, to me at least, doesn't look like the bracelet.

(how about if the bracelet is upside down? maybe?)

mjc said:

(how about if the bracelet is upside down? maybe?)

they can’t fit the height of the letters (varnas) into a half inch wide piece of jewelry , that’s why the varnas seem to be joined at the top, kinda strung along. There’s different techniques in making the mantra on jewelry. I used the pictures to show how they can look different depending on the style of jewelry it’s on.

drummerboy said:

this is the Om Mani Padme Hum which, to me at least, doesn't look like the bracelet.

see the difference? I’m not sure why or what it is, maybe the Tibetan Buddhists placed the symbols differently. But this is a popular healing mantra. Which is on a lot of jewelry. 

I’m checking with  a friend who reads several Asian languages (Sanskrit, Tamil, Gurmukhi, Thai, etc)

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