Craziest gifts thread

What gifts did you receive that, while you know their heart was in the right place, made you wonder what they were thinking?

I'll start. My seven year old son is now the proud owner of a five pound gummi bear. question Not a toy gummi bear, and actual edible gummi bear.

What? That should be illegal (if not just plain stupid). A kid could easily choke on such as this.

minnie died close to 6 years ago, I think; certainly more than 5. We haven't had another pet since, our home isn't full of memorabilia, we don't yearn for her nor talk about/rabidly support animal welfare causes; we've never had more than one pet at a time.

For the past 4 years we've been feeding and observing wild birds.

Yet my brother's family bought me a Crazy Cat Lady coffee mug 'because it's so cute'!


mrmaplewood said:

What? That should be illegal (if not just plain stupid). A kid could easily choke on such as this.

If that kid had a hinged jaw like a snake then, yeah, sure it could.

I didn't understand the choking comment either. A giant gummy bear sounds like a pretty cool present for a kid. If it's like my experience, though, it won't be wanted after a few bites anyway so I wouldn't worry too much. The crazy cat thing is just rude.

Coincidentally, a Dr. Heimlich memorial Pez dispenser.

A few weeks ago I got an odd text from my MIL telling me a surprise would be coming in a big box from QVC, and that it was for my husband but we would all love it. Do not open until Christmas but I had a few weeks to return it if necessary.

The next day a guitar shaped box showed up with the contents clearly marked, " Keith Urban Electric Player Guitar." My husband is 47, my kids are older.

I never even unsealed the tape. The next day the box was brought back to UPS as I wondered what the heck I would do with $139 (minus shipping fees of course) from HSN. my mother suggested pots, so now although I needed to use the $ they also sent us so my husband could take me out to dinner, I have a new set of pots from my mother in law.

I should add, that's the only present I got, and I feel very fortunate.

I once got a fire extinguisher from a cousin's wife. She almost burned down her house due to a kitchen fire and didn't want it to happen to anyone else. Practical, at least. The following year she gave me box of store bought cookies...I was a pastry chef..

I once received a clock similar to this, except it was in a black plastic housing and not nearly as "nice." Even though I am particularly religious--okay, so I'm pretty unreligious--I was mortified. However, like any good heathen, I put it in my front window every Christmas for years until it died.

marylago said:

However, like any good heathen, I put it in my front window every Christmas for years until it died.

That's a resurrection I don't want to miss.

Oh, that clock!!! you poor darling!!

DaveSchmidt said:

marylago said:

However, like any good heathen, I put it in my front window every Christmas for years until it died.

That's a resurrection I don't want to miss.


I once got a piston operated nutcracker, never did figure the thing out. It was given to me by a professional engineer.

I got a rear view camera and monitor for the car I am learning to drive. Lots of cords and cables were included but no installation instructions. I was told that the existing rear view mirror which also has lots of electrical components would have to be removed for the new camera/monitor to be installed. Again no removal instructions were included. I suspect this is not a DIY project.

Joan, that would scare me witless!! (Never mind the installation) I've seen our community trabsport bus drivers try to use them; half the drivers just refuse, and turn the mirrors so that a conventional reflected display works instead of the camera.

There is just enough white trash DNA in me to be fascinated by the clock pictured above. It's like WWJD -- what would Jesus do if the crucifixion had taken place on the Strip in Las Vegas...

But it's an Easter clock!

j_r said:

But it's an Easter clock!

The infinite progression of the lights indicates it may double as a time machine.

It was much more amazing in person. Words, or even this feeble pic, cannot describe it. I tried to find a pic of it online, but to no avail. @heynj your WT roots would have exploded.

blackcat said:

I once got a fire extinguisher from a cousin's wife. She almost burned down her house due to a kitchen fire and didn't want it to happen to anyone else. Practical, at least. The following year she gave me box of store bought cookies...I was a pastry chef..

The cookies made me laugh. My family does a gift exchange for those who want to participate, suggested price range is $20-25. I had an aunt who gave me a box of cookies once. I didn't recognize the brand, then one day we were in Big Lots and they had the same cookies for $1. Another year she gave me an Irish soda bread from Shop Rite. She was known for this, and though the names were supposed to be at random the person in charge would always make sure that no poor soul was on her list two years in a row.

Before anyone criticizes, I wouldn't say a thing if she were on a budget, but her financial position was such that pinching pennies was not a necessity by any stretch.

You guys are really blowing away the time my grandmother in law got me matzah for my birthday.

joanne said:

Joan, that would scare me witless!! (Never mind the installation) I've seen our community trabsport bus drivers try to use them; half the drivers just refuse, and turn the mirrors so that a conventional reflected display works instead of the camera.

Joanne, the rear view cameras give a wider view than that of the traditional rear view mirror. When used in conjunction with the three existing mirrors, not instead of, it is an added safety feature. It is especially good for seeing small animals and kids that are behind you and lower than the rear truck of the car.

They are such a significant safety feature that the U.S. government has required all cars manufactured since 2014, to be so equipped.

ridski said:

You guys are really blowing away the time my grandmother in law got me matzah for my birthday.

I read that as giving you matzoh for your bar mitzvah. Oy vey

ridski said:

You guys are really blowing away the time my grandmother in law got me matzah for my birthday.

Hope it was of the chocolate covered variety. I assume your birthday fell during Passover that year.

My grandmother LOVED matzoh. It was funny seeing my Italian-American Catholic grandma get excited that Passover was coming so she could buy some. She slathered it in butter and jelly, not sure if that was what it was intended for. oh oh

joan_crystal said:

ridski said:

You guys are really blowing away the time my grandmother in law got me matzah for my birthday.

Hope it was of the chocolate covered variety. I assume your birthday fell during Passover that year.

Yeah, I think it did. It was coupled with another gift I got that year of a trivet from my MIL.

JJ, I know how they work, and why they're a good thing; however as it is I have enough challenges with interpreting all the visual information I'm already getting while also shifting my focal points. It's partly why I'm not allowed to ride a bicycle anymore (yep, truly: I literally ride into the footings of bridges, for example, because sometimes when I'm migraining I can't see they're there in the path and shift away). And yes, there are weeks when I can't drive either.

My mother came over and made a big deal out of "special gifts" that she had brought for my sons, who were then around 10 and 13. She made a huge production of taking the gifts out of her shopping bag, and taking them out of their wrappings. My boys were intrigued, of course. Then, with a huge flourish, grandma produced.,,,,two shower caps. The kids were at first stunned, and then we all collapsed laughing. Grandma couldn't figure out why.

jerseyjack said:

joanne said:

Joan, that would scare me witless!! (Never mind the installation) I've seen our community trabsport bus drivers try to use them; half the drivers just refuse, and turn the mirrors so that a conventional reflected display works instead of the camera.

Joanne, the rear view cameras give a wider view than that of the traditional rear view mirror. When used in conjunction with the three existing mirrors, not instead of, it is an added safety feature. It is especially good for seeing small animals and kids that are behind you and lower than the rear truck of the car.

They are such a significant safety feature that the U.S. government has required all cars manufactured since 2014, to be so equipped.

I thought it was a 2017 requirement (?)

But I'm not sure you're talking about the same thing as Joan is since she mentioned it replacing her existing rear view mirror and that isn't the case with typical rear-view cameras in cars. Or did she already have a rear-view camera and this is a better one to replace it? In any case, definitely not a DIY job for many of us.

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