Coughlin Out! Discuss ...

Mixed feelings ... Not a Giants fan, but mixed feelings.

His legacy with two super bowl wins will be secure. At his age he was not the person to oversee the rebuilding. But if the Giants want to be winners again the need to get rid of Jerry Reese. He just has not brought in the players. Yes he hit big with one player but the he has let the talent on defense deteriorate substantially. 

Soul_29 said:

Mixed feelings ... Not a Giants fan, but mixed feelings.

Same here.

When he was with BC and then Jacksonville I despised him--really hated watching him on the sidelines, hated hearing his press conferences, hated watching his teams with their boring three and out ground games.  When he brought more of the same to the Giants I hated him here as well.

But then something happened.  He loosened up a bit.  He became more of a coach and less of a neurotic anal-compulsive dictator.  And his teams began to love him--not just like him, but love him, respect him, and learn from him.  

If you measure coaching success by player loyalty, he is still damned successful.  But we don't measure that way, especially not in New York, so it is time for him to go while the Giants start to rebuild.  

I think it was predictable (in a very good way) that the Giants would let him resign; and I think it was predictable (in a good way) that he would resign.  No hissy fits, no embarrassing high stakes public battles on either side.  Classy ownership and classy ex-coach.

With so many openings in the NFL, I have to think that the Giants will be a tempting place for a good coach to land since their owners handle things so well, even during the last few years of meh performances.

His fingerprints were on at least 4 or 5 last quarter losses this season that should have been wins. Of course you can say he was just as responsible for the wins, but he made some real bonehead decisions that cost the Giants their season. I think it was time for him to go.

Very mixed feelings about his 'resignation'.  As posted up thread, Reese needs to go.  Sure, he can hit on 1st & 2nd round picks, hell, I could probably do that, but after that, his selections are woeful.  

What truly worries me, is who will succeed Coughlin?  That's the big question mark for me and will probably determine how I ultimately feel about this.  Never loved him, but respected him and all he brought to the team and honestly feeling a bit emotional about it right now.

I lived thru the 15 years of lousy football, we've had enough, I just hope my team isn't headed back in that direction.

vermontgolfer said:

Very mixed feelings about his 'resignation'.  As posted up thread, Reese needs to go.  Sure, he can hit on 1st & 2nd round picks, hell, I could probably do that, but after that, his selections are woeful.  

What truly worries me, is who will succeed Coughlin?  That's the big question mark for me and will probably determine how I ultimately feel about this.  Never loved him, but respected him and all he brought to the team and honestly feeling a bit emotional about it right now.

I lived thru the 15 years of lousy football, we've had enough, I just hope my team isn't headed back in that direction.

Yes, Coughlin and his coaching staff totally blew some very winnable games this year.  They deserve to be tossed for those if nothing else.

However, his offensive coordinator, Ben McAdoo, is a huge favorite of the Maras even with these terrible fourth quarter meltdowns.  The Maras are nothing if not loyal......

I hope the Giants don't go after Sean Peyton, losing a draft pick.  Not worth it.  But he is a Parcells guy and the Maras are nothing if not loyal........

I seriously doubt the Giants have the creativity to turn things over to a college coach, but if they do there is David Shaw out at Stanford who runs a nifty offense.

Its Reese that needs to go.  The roster is devoid of defensive talent, he allowed the offensive line to waste into garbage and has had to spend the last 3 drafts attempting to rebuild it.  Its amazing that the Giants were able to compete at all this year.  

Defense still wins championships, regardless of offensive hype.  The Giants offense is good enough to get the job done, its the defensive side that couldn't get stops in any of the games when the game was on the line.

Since Coughlin is out, Reese needs to go also.

What happens next year if they have another crappy year?  Do you fire Reece?  If so, what happens to your first year coach?

The defense is a shell of what it once was.  

I can't see promoting McAdoo to head coach.  The offense was stagnant once the Giants were within the 20 yard line. They were also terrible on 3rd and short plays.

The offense was ranked 22nd for 3rd down conversion percentage and 29th for red zone scoring percentage (TDs only).

I think McAdoo will be the coach. He and Reece will be given a couple of mediocre years then both will be fired. But at that point Eli will be old and Giants will need to find a replacement.

Remember Ray Handley?  Those were dark times......

I don't think McAdoo will be as bad as Handley but I don't think he's right for the job.

The old man had a tendency to punish guys too long, like Jennings, who (correctly) pointed out the old man's poor decisions.   And this year it cost them the season, again.  Good coach but time for a change.

yahooyahoo said:

Remember Ray Handley?  Those were dark times......

I don't think McAdoo will be as bad as Handley but I don't think he's right for the job.

The whole Parcells-Handley transition was so odd. Parcells had said several times that he'd leave if he won a second Super Bowl, but he didn't resign immediately afterward which allowed Belichick to go to Cleveland and Coughlin to go to BC.

I think George Young was fascinated with Handley's brain. Much was made of the fact that he was prohibited from entering casinos because of his ability to count cards. Handley was running backs coach and apparently indicated he was leaving the team after the '90 season to attend law school.

To keep him around, Handley was promoted to offensive coordinator after they won Super Bowl 25 and Ron Erhardt was "promoted" to assistant head coach. Then Parcells bailed, and Handley was promoted again to head coach. I vividly remember a joke at the press conference that he got the job due to "how well" he'd done as OC in his four off-season months. 

Giant fans know how things went during his two-year tenure, and I think he ended up attending law school after he was fired. I'm fascinated as to how he never took another football job and I don't think he's even given an interview in the 20-plus years since.

The only reference I've heard to him lately is Carl Banks saying, "I played for Bill Parcells and and I played for Ray Handley. That's the gamut right there."

Ray Handley: "Hello."

Jim Baumbach: "Is Ray there?"

RH: "Yes, this is he."

JB: "My name is Jim Baumbach and I'm a sports reporter from Newsday. I do
a weekly where-are-they-now column in which I like to catch up with former New
York sports figures."

RH: "How did you get this number?"

JB: "I looked it up through public records."

RH: "I doubt that. It's unlisted."

JB : "I apologize if you're not interested."

RH: "No, I'm not the least bit interested. Thank you very much."

hoops said:

Its Reese that needs to go.  The roster is devoid of defensive talent, he allowed the offensive line to waste into garbage and has had to spend the last 3 drafts attempting to rebuild it.  Its amazing that the Giants were able to compete at all this year.  

Defense still wins championships, regardless of offensive hype.  The Giants offense is good enough to get the job done, its the defensive side that couldn't get stops in any of the games when the game was on the line.


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