Can people share rough idea cost of teen auto insurance?

struggling with this. Teen turns 18 tomorrow and he goes for his road test then too. Assuming he passes, we want to gift him with one of our used cars. He'll hold the title in his name. His parent has a terrible driving record so the cost to add him and his car is $6600 per year. I'm trying to understand how out-of-whack this is with what it should cost if he had a responsible, decent driving record parent. Can anyone share what their cistcwas to add the teen?

I was trying to investigate his own insurance but not sure who to call-suggestions? This is in NY

Don't they still take into account all household members?  If that affects his rate (even people with good records) maybe if he can work something out where he has a 'lease' to rent a room they wont count the others.

I would find an insurance agent and ask.  They might not be willing or able to give any figures without an actual application.  He may have to make the call himself before the car is signed over to make sure it is doable.

the rate of $6500/year is as an add on to the parent's insurance. That's my question- my sense is that the horrible driving record of the parent is bringing his costs sky high. I am guessing if he had a parent with decent credit and not a messed up driving record, it'd be a lot less to add him. I'm just wondering how badly ( yet again) his parent has screwed him over.

I think he can get insurance on his own, not affiliated with a parent. I got a very rough quote of $6800 a year to do it that way. I think this is the best route for him wondering if any companies are recommended. I called Geico so far for that very rough quote ( and yes, we can't get exact unless he's with me to call himself) I use NJM so that's not an option for him in NY

As long as he lives at home with his parent(s) their driving record will come into play. All residents of driving age in a household are fair play. This has been my experience. 

not true. He can get insurance completely independently of his parent at 18 years old.

But, my question was- for those of you with an 18 year old driver with his own car, how much add was it to your existing policy? My guess it was way, way less than $6,500?

Independent, yes he can. What I meant was whether or not he/they add his parent(s) as insureds, their driving records will be a factor to be considered when his (teen's) rate is quoted. When you all live in the same house, it's not unforeseen that one driver of car A could drive car B or C for one reason or another. They price this into the calculation whether or not the parent is listed on the policy.  

But I don't know the cost of adding a teenager to an existing policy. Sorry.  

Guy at geico didn't ask me about any other drivers at his residence. I'll have to call back and see. My goal is that NO ONE ever drive his car!

We took a pass on the gift of cars twice for this reason. Teen boys get the highest rates. 

my daughter has a MD drivers license and is included as an additional driver on my mom's  MD auto policy.  It costs $260 per year.  The car that she drives is our 15 year old CRV which is on our NJ policy.  We only keep liability insurance and that is about $400 per year, so all in, it's about $650 a year.  She only has the car at school during the summer now because she is working on campus during the summer.  Otherwise, the car is only driven when she is home on break.   We have USAA, as does my Mom, so it's not cheap insurance.  

Care to share what rates you were quoted (roughly)?

How is kid supposed to get to college classes if he doesn't have a car? He's living at home and commenting. No public transportation. I should have pushed harder for CUNY. Maybe I can still convince him.

j_r said:

We took a pass on the gift of cars twice for this reason. Teen boys get the highest rates. 

Our is about $4500 for 4 drivers on 3 cars, my son will be 18 this Summer, he's the youngest 2 of the cars have complete coverage.

$650/ year isn't cheap?!?? Dirt cheap! Lucky you!

campbell29 said:

my daughter has a MD drivers license and is included as an additional driver on my mom's  MD auto policy.  It costs $260 per year.  The car that she drives is our 15 year old CRV which is on our NJ policy.  We only keep liability insurance and that is about $400 per year, so all in, it's about $650 a year.  She only has the car at school during the summer now because she is working on campus during the summer.  Otherwise, the car is only driven when she is home on break.   We have USAA, as does my Mom, so it's not cheap insurance.  

How much was it to add the one son? That's what I'm trying to get at.

lewis9961 said:

Our is about $4500 for 4 drivers on 3 cars, my son will be 18 this Summer, he's the youngest 2 of the cars have complete coverage.

conandrob240 said:

$650/ year isn't cheap?!?? Dirt cheap! Lucky you!

campbell29 said:

my daughter has a MD drivers license and is included as an additional driver on my mom's  MD auto policy.  It costs $260 per year.  The car that she drives is our 15 year old CRV which is on our NJ policy.  We only keep liability insurance and that is about $400 per year, so all in, it's about $650 a year.  She only has the car at school during the summer now because she is working on campus during the summer.  Otherwise, the car is only driven when she is home on break.   We have USAA, as does my Mom, so it's not cheap insurance.  

MD has much lower rates for insurance.  Since she lives and drives in MD, we could take advantage of the state differential.  When I meant it wasn't "cheap " I meant that it wasn't some non reputable bargain carrier. 

to clarify the $6500 is not the total for thevteen and the parent. It is the additional cost to add him to parent' insurance. 2 older, paid in full cars. Liability only.

My suspicion is the terrible credit rating and driving record of the parent is skyrocketing the kids add on insurance.


You are continuing to involve yourself deeper and deeper in this young man's life and expose all of it to people who post here.  The car insurance issue should have been raised months ago but now it has become a major subject for the world to comment on with few facts.  Have him sit down with one or two insurance agents, so that he can get a reality check and learn that he can't skate along on the good wishes of others.  As much as you might not like to face it, he needs to grow up fast and to stop having you try to arrange his life.  I am not trying to be difficult but rather to point out that your program for him is not working like you want.

what on earth are you taking about?

I wanted to get a sense of how much higher his add on insurance is because of his parental circumstance. I have no basis for comparison but can't imagine the average parent is paying $6500 to add one teen/car every year. I'm trying to understand how far out of whack it is. Is it 2x , 3x, 4x what's typical?

That was the question asked.

And if anyone has done research and found a particular agency better with teen rates than others would live to hear the recommendations.

Not sure how it's a "major subject" or what you think you should be commenting on? I'll add that this poor kid has never skated on anything. My guess is that if he had a decent, responsible parent, his insurance cost would be $1500-2500/year which he could pay from his job. Because he has a loser for a parent, it's $6500/yr and it's simply not fair to him that he has to suffer their sins. I am trying to figure out how best to bridge that gap of unfairness for him by 1) making sure the parent knows the cost of their action and pays some of the gap, 2) covering sonecof the gap myself to even out his playing field and 3) allowing him to be responsible for a fair amount

Two simple Qs- if you added a teen/car, how much did it cost? And did you find an insurance company with better teen rates than others?

Added 17 year old daughter to our policy and it went up $100 per month. One car.

That is about the same as when my daughter lived in NJ and first had her license.

mantram said:

Added 17 year old daughter to our policy and it went up $100 per month. One car.

and thank you. So even if a boy was double, the $6500 figure is 3x where it should be

It doesn't matter what some one else pays, under whatever circumstances.

It only matters what a person, in the young man's circumstances, can get as a premium.

The young man should do some shopping. He may find something of value in shopping.


my 17 yo son was something like $2400/ year, now, after 4 accident and ticket free years it's just a little less.  My daughter was over $3,000 - but she got a speeding ticket soon after getting her license

So the rate you're getting for him seems high to me 

Good luck

no tickets, no accidents. He's never had a license before. Seems not just high, but completely out of whack for him.

As usual, you missed the point completely. It does matter for the reasons stated. His parent's careless, reckless behavior is resulting in a premium to him at 2.5-3x what he should be paying. I was trying to understand the extent of the disparity.

Tom_R said:

It doesn't matter what some one else pays, under whatever circumstances.

It only matters what a person, in the young man's circumstances, can get as a premium.

The young man should do some shopping. He may find something of value in shopping.



What difference does it make?

He's getting a vehicle. He'll need insurance. He'll pay the premium his insurer demands.

Of course, if this is just an exercise to determine the disparities in premiums among different insurers; enjoy yourself.

And, as I wrote, the young man should do some shopping. He may find value in shopping.


Again, you aren't getting it. I'll explain it again for you ( deja vu). I don't care so much about the disparities in premiums between different insurance providers. I care about the disparity in what he'd be paying if he had a responsible parent vs. this parent.  He shouldn't have to pay through the roof because they've had accidents, lost their license for violations and have horrible credit. That shouldn't be his burden to carry. It matters because I am trying to understand how much of the cost was caused by his parent's behavior so that I can ask them to pay that amount and the kid pay what is fair.


Again, what does it matter what others pay?

The young man has the parent he has. He goes on their policy and pays the freight; or, gets his own insurance and pays that freight.

Has he shopped his own insurance? Does he expect auto insurance as part of the "right of passage" from secondary school to college.

You are correct. I am not getting the point. But that's why I ask questions.


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