Calling all Maplewood Master Gardeners and Landscape Professionals!

Maplewood Memorial Park Conservancy (MMPC) will once again be sponsoring internships with Rutgers students this summer. The (hopefully) three interns will be working 29 hr./wk. at restoring and maintaining horticulture and planting beds in the landmarked park. To help enhance this program, we are reaching out to the local community of Master Gardeners and Landscape Professionals to ask if they might be interested in volunteering 2-3 hours one day this summer interacting with the interns in the park, and sharing their knowledge and experience.

Under the guidance of MMPC, this paid internship will focus on many aspects of “Green Tech” such as ecologic considerations, managing invasives, plant enhancement, as well as helping bring public awareness to the park’s needs and value by connecting with local residents through social media. The goal of the program is to offer the students a first-hand understanding of the key aspects of keeping a public park well-groomed, utilizing best practices for sustainable landscape maintenance, incorporating time management and reporting skills in project planning, interacting with municipal groups, and working closely with a grass-roots organization devoted to improving and restoring our local gem.

If you would like to participate in any way please contact

Maplewood Memorial Park Conservancy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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