Boys lost at sea off Jupiter, FL

Has anyone been following this story?? Two Boys (age 14) took out their 19' boat to fish. A storm came in. They have been gone since. The boat was recovered but with no sign of the boys.

The coast guard (as well as private planes, teams, etc) searched for a while but found nothing. Today, I hear life jackets were found off the coast of Georgia.

My own boys are close to this age. I also lived about 10 miles away from Jupiter and spent countless hours on boats right there. I can't imagine what these poor parents are going through. No answers, no clues, nothing. So, so sad...

I've been following this story - tragic. My son has spent a lot of time in boats this summer and we stress safety and boundaries but, truth is, on the ocean, things can go very, very wrong and really, really quickly. Heartbreaking

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